What were the impacts of Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of the New World, on both Europe and t...

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What were the impacts of Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of the New World, on both Europe and the Americas. por Mind Map: What were the impacts of Christopher Columbus' "discovery" of the New World, on both Europe and the Americas.

1. New Discoveries

1.1. Discovered new plants and animals in the Americas that were new to Europeans and Africans.

1.2. Columbian Exchange

1.3. Brought back live stock, grains, fruit, and coffee.

2. Genocide of Native Americans

2.1. Columbus murdered indigenous people in the "new world."

3. Slave Trade

3.1. Columbus kidnapped and enslaved many indigenous people.

3.2. The enslaved people were forced to work on plantations as servants.

4. Encomienda System

4.1. Settlers forced natives to labor in this system.

4.2. Natives farmed, ranched, or mined Spanish landlords.

5. Migration

5.1. Europeans migrated across the Atlantic in search of new lives.

5.2. Overseas expansion inflamed national rivalries.

5.3. Treaty of Tordesillas.

6. Disease

6.1. Native Americans had not developed any natural immunity. Therefore, they were prone to diseases such as measles, mumps, chickenpox, etc.

6.2. The population of Native Americans  decreased because of the deaths caused by diseases.

6.3. Entire civilizations of indigenous populations were lost to epidemics of diseases since they had no immunity.

7. Culture

7.1. Spaniards lived among the natives and imposed their own culture upon them.

7.2. The settlers tended to intermarry with native women.

7.3. Mestizo