Students should not have longer school days and shorter breaks

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Students should not have longer school days and shorter breaks by Mind Map: Students should not have longer school days and shorter breaks

1. The Negative Effects of Extending School Days. (n.d.). Retrieved September 08, 2016, from

2. The teachers pay would most likely not get raised which is not fair since they are dedicating more of their time to the school.

3. Reasons for Not Extending the School Day. (n.d.). Retrieved September 08, 2016, from

4. A New York Times article states that, in Chicago, about $10 million was spent in 2011 for 50 public schools to extend the school days, for just a 10% increase in school days would require a 6-7% increase in budget which would be around 84 million dollars which does not include school maintenance and electricity.

5. Longer school days would tire students out which could lead to lack of focus and effort.

6. "In Boston, the superintendent of schools has argued that teachers have short hours and generous compensation and therefore should not receive extra pay for an extended school day."