1. Emotional Disturbance
1.1. Intervention
1.1.1. Support the student’s inclusion
1.1.2. Recognize the student's accomplishments
1.1.3. Encourage organization and routine
1.1.4. Social skills training
1.1.5. Self awareness training
1.2. Assistive Technology
1.2.1. Motivaider Untitled
1.2.2. Noise management tools Untitled
1.2.3. mp3 player
1.2.4. Wii
1.2.5. Websites brainpop.com funmaths.com inspiration.com
2. Intellectual Disability
2.1. Intervention
2.1.1. Role model desired behaviors
2.1.2. Plan ahead with your class activities
2.1.3. Use appropriate communication methods
2.1.4. Do not overwhelm a student with multiple or complex instructions
2.1.5. Be explicit about what it is you want a student to do
2.1.6. Put skills in context so there is a reason for learning tasks
2.1.7. Involve families
2.2. Assistive Technology
2.2.1. Abbreviation expanders
2.2.2. Alternative keyboards
2.2.3. Electronic math work sheets
2.2.4. Talking calculators
2.2.5. Variable-speed tape recorders
2.2.6. Word-prediction programs
2.2.7. Portable word processors
2.2.8. Proofreading programs
2.3. Case Study Danny
3. Orthopedic Impairment
3.1. Intervention
3.1.1. Therapy
3.1.2. Fine and gross motor skill training
3.1.3. Special seating
3.1.4. Extra time for assignmemts
3.2. Assistive Technology
3.2.1. wheelchair
4. Multiple disabilities
4.1. Intervention
4.1.1. Tap into the student’s strengths
4.1.2. Be ready to make modifications
4.1.3. Ask for the program supports or modifications you need to be included in the IEP
4.1.4. Partial participation can make the difference
4.1.5. Learn about accessible textbooks
4.1.6. Don’t give up on a goal; practice and reinforce
4.1.7. Deal with behavior issues
4.1.8. Make the most of paraprofessionals
4.1.9. Be involved in the student’s transition planning
4.2. Assistive Technology
4.2.1. Wheelchairs
4.2.2. Text to Speech system
4.2.3. Speech recognition software
4.2.4. Picture Board
4.2.5. Untitled
5. Autism
5.1. Intervention
5.1.1. Parent Education and Training
5.1.2. Social Skills Training and Speech-Language Therapy.
5.1.3. Applied Behavioral Analysis
5.1.4. Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
5.1.5. Sensory Integration/Occupational Therapy.
5.1.6. Medication
5.2. Assistive Technology
5.2.1. Adaptive hardware Untitled
5.2.2. Anything that can provide visual stimulation (large monitors etc) Subtopic
5.3. Case Study Maggie
6. Deaf-blindness
6.1. Intervention
6.1.1. Touch cues
6.1.2. Object symbols
6.1.3. Sign language
6.1.4. Braille
6.1.5. Picture symbols
6.1.6. Gestures
6.1.7. Signed English
6.2. Assistive Technology
6.2.1. handheld electronic magnifiers
6.2.2. desktop video magnifiers
6.2.3. Light aide
6.2.4. Software built in on windows (text to speech, magnification,etc)
7. Major Assistive Technologies
7.1. tablet computers with special apps
7.2. Text-to-speech software
7.3. Alternative Communication Devices (AAC)
7.4. Interactive Whiteboards
7.5. Magnification software And Hardware
8. Other health impairment
8.1. Intervention
8.1.1. Reward system
8.1.2. Allow movement while studying
8.1.3. Voice recordings of verbal instructions
8.1.4. Provide frequent breaks
8.1.5. Set routines and be consistent
8.1.6. Step by step instructions
8.2. Assistive Technology
8.2.1. Optical Character Recognition programs
8.2.2. Flicker free monitors
8.2.3. Electronic organizers
9. Deafness
9.1. Intervention
9.1.1. Circular seating arrangements
9.1.2. Front seats
9.1.3. Repeat the comments and questions of other students
9.1.4. ask for a hearing volunteer to team up with a Deaf or hard of hearing student
9.1.5. find an effective notetaker or lab assistant from the class.
9.1.6. Face the class while speaking
9.1.7. films, overheads, diagrams, and other visual aids are useful instructional tools.
9.1.8. Closed captioning
9.1.9. Allow the student the same anonymity as other students
9.2. Assistive Technology
9.2.1. assistive listening devices (ALD ) Untitled
9.2.2. Personal amplifica tion
9.2.3. Cochlear Implant
9.2.4. alerting devices
9.2.5. captioning devices
9.2.6. Handwriting recognition devices
9.2.7. voice recognition software
9.2.8. iCommunicator Untitled
9.2.9. Video Remote Interpreter
10. Specific learning disability
10.1. Intervention
10.1.1. Visual aids
10.1.2. Preferential seating
10.1.3. One-on-one or small group instructions
10.2. Assistive Technology
10.2.1. Text to speech software
10.2.2. Audio book
10.2.3. Timers
11. Developmental delay
11.1. Intervention
11.1.1. visual cues
11.1.2. Clear and predictable daily schedule
11.1.3. Make directions and learning expectations clearly understood
11.1.4. Structured opportunities for student to participate in social interactions
11.1.5. Build student motivation
11.1.6. Help students to generalize their learning across settings and situations
11.2. Assistive Technology
11.2.1. Ergonomic screens and input systems Untitled
11.2.2. Audio books and eText supports for reading and listening comprehensio
11.2.3. Graphic organizers
11.3. Case Study Louis
12. Speach or language impairment
12.1. Intervention
12.1.1. Early Intervention
12.1.2. Therapy
12.1.3. Speech-language pathology service
12.2. Assistive Technology
12.2.1. Echo microphone
13. Traumatic brain injury
13.1. Intervention
13.1.1. Peer or aide assistance
13.1.2. Adjusted expectation
13.1.3. Flexible schedule
13.1.4. Time for transitions
13.2. Assistive Technology
13.2.1. Message recorder
13.2.2. Large print books
13.2.3. Talking Clock/calendar
13.2.4. Memory Notebook
14. Visual impairment, including blindness
14.1. Assistive Technology
14.1.1. Braille instructopn
14.1.2. Spoken learning tools
14.1.3. Mobility services
14.2. Intervention
14.2.1. Print enhancer
14.2.2. Kurzweil Reading Machine