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English by Mind Map: English

1. Uni 8

1.1. Function

1.1.1. Discussing dating customs

1.1.2. Talking about preferences

1.1.3. Talking about famous couples

1.2. Grammar

1.2.1. phrases of preference

1.2.2. negative yes/no questions

1.3. Vocabulary

1.3.1. Dating set+adjective phrases with go relationships (couple,fight,etc.) animal mating (product,lay an egg,etc.) things to do on a date

1.4. Pronunciation

1.4.1. WORDS : ould

2. Uni 9

2.1. Function

2.1.1. Talking about natural places describing the weather interrupting discussing poems

2.2. Grammar

2.2.1. will and going to modals of possibility - may,migth,will

2.3. Vocaburary

2.3.1. the natural world the weather naturat disasters (earthquake,food,etc.)

2.4. Pronunciation

2.4.1. SOUNDS :/ei/

3. Uni 7

3.1. Function

3.1.1. Talking about unusual food.

3.1.2. Talking about food preferences and eating habits.

3.2. Grammar

3.2.1. too/(not)...enough/really/very how many and how much and quantitiers

3.3. Vocabulary

3.3.1. tastes and textures containers food food preparation(add,put,etc)

3.4. Pronunciation

3.4.1. WORDS : multisylable adjectives