The Enlightenment Despots

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The Enlightenment Despots por Mind Map: The Enlightenment Despots

1. Rousseau

1.1. Social contract

1.2. General Will

1.2.1. Natural state/law

1.3. Unequal property

2. Diderot

2.1. Edited Encyclopedia

2.2. "Change the general way of thinking"

2.3. Explored ideas

2.3.1. Government

2.3.2. Philosophy

2.3.3. Religion

2.4. Urged Education

2.5. Praised Freedom of expression

3. Montesquieu

3.1. Separation of powers

3.1.1. Influenced Framers

3.1.2. Branches of Government

3.1.3. Protect liberty

4. Voltaire

4.1. Deplored religious prejudice

4.2. Detested slave trade

4.3. Defended freedom of thought

4.3.1. freedom of speech

5. Thomas Hobbs

5.1. Powerful Government

5.1.1. Absolute Monarchy

5.2. Orderly Society

5.3. Believed humans were naturally greedy and cruel

6. John Locke

6.1. Limited power

6.2. Natural rights

6.2.1. Life, liberty, and property

7. Scientific Revolution

7.1. Expanded European Knowledge

7.2. Human reason

7.3. Natural law

7.4. Explained natural occurrences with science

7.4.1. less relying on religion

8. Philosophes

8.1. Use of reason

8.2. Applied method of science

8.2.1. Understand + improve society

8.3. Reforms of government, law, and society