Enlightenment Ideas Spread

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Enlightenment Ideas Spread by Mind Map: Enlightenment Ideas Spread

1. Bach-religious works for organs/choirs and operas

2. New ideas challenge society

2.1. Diderot's Encyclopedia

2.2. pamphlets

2.3. writers face censorship

2.3.1. writers disguised ideas as fiction

2.3.2. banned burned books and imprisoned writers

2.3.3. government and church led this

2.4. ideas spread in salons

2.4.1. informal social gatherings where writers philosophers etc exchanged ideas

2.4.2. Madame Geoffrin

2.4.3. 1600s-middle class met with nobility to discuss and spread ideas

3. Arts and literature reflect new ideas

3.1. 1600s and 1700s arts evolved

3.1.1. from grandeur to charm baroque-age of Louis XIV (grandeur) rococo- age of Louis XV (charm)

3.1.2. inspires composers classical music mid-1700s- middle class could afford public concerts Haydn-developed classical music Joseph II continues reform Mozart-helped define the new "classical" msuci

3.1.3. the novel takes shape middle class readers liked stories in straightforward prose many novels ex. Robinson Crusoe and Pamela

4. Enlightened despots embrace new ideas

4.1. monarchs that did accept new enlightenment ideas

4.1.1. absolute rulers who used power to bring political/social change

4.2. Frederick II attempts reform

4.2.1. Frederick the Great

4.2.2. king of Prussia- (1740-1786)

4.2.3. "first servant of the state"

4.2.4. invited french intellectuals such as Voltaire to Prussia

4.2.5. allowed freedom of press and religion and tried making more efficient government

4.3. Catherine the Great studies philosophes' works

4.3.1. empress of Russia (Catherine II)-1762

4.3.2. abolished torture and established religious tolerance

4.3.3. granted nobles a charter of rights and criticized serfdom

4.3.4. main contribution- expanded empire

5. lives of majority change slowly

5.1. by late 1700s, radical ideas about equality and social justice began to pervade common thought

5.2. in 1800s political changes will transform European peasant life

5.3. most were peasants living in small rural villages not affected by middle class culture