1. Are Humans naturally good or evil?
1.1. Evil because humans all fall short of the glory of God and have all sinned more than once in their lives
1.1.1. Jack is a prime example of how humans are evil when he leads the killing of Simon at the end of chapter 9
2. When the two individual groups evolve from the original clan lead by Ralph, christian-like symbolism can be recognized. Matthew 7: 13-14: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
2.1. The first group lead by Ralph represents the Christ-like path. Matthew 7: 13-14 describes this path as small, narrow, and traveled by few. Overall, Ralph's group is more reliable and efficient to finding a way home. This rescue can also be thought as an eternal home, Heaven.
2.2. In Jack's group, this passage of Matthew can describe his path as broad and wide. Overall, his group leads to much destruction and doesn't not look toward a future rescue.
3. Symbolism Destroyed: Two main symbolic figures in Golding's include the conch and Piggy's specks.
3.1. The conch, introduced in the beginning of the story, represents the authority and leadership that Ralph has over the island. At the assemblies Ralph calls, the conch is then passed to others as a way of communication, representing wavering power. Near the end of the novel, Jack shatters the conch held by Piggy. Piggy was representing high power as he held the last sign of civilization but when Jack, filled with evil and destruction, crushes the conch he is symbolizing his step into complete power against Ralph.
3.2. Piggy’s glasses, or specks, represent a resource to hold on to civilization and advancement. The physical significance of them includes the ability to create fire which represents a security and hope. Later in the book, the glasses are broken and stolen by the savage Jack. This represents power that is taken advantage of and foreshadows an even greater lack of civilization.
4. The Lord of the Flies represents the beast and savageness within everyone. Within chapter 8, Simon is found listening to the Lord of the flies as it foreshadows what will happen to Simon. It promises to have “fun” with Simon, indicating Simon’s impending death. The Lord of the Flies also represents an idol in which Jack worships savagery but later becomes a sacrifice to the beast. In Chapter 12, Ralph stares at the dead pig head to the point of terror and knocks it over, breaking the skull into two pieces. This represents his denial toward the persuasion of evil and his determination to stay civilized and fight evil.
5. Character Connection: The character Jack can be compared to what seems like an ordinary sheep dog. At first it sounds odd, but pampered sheep dogs that have plenty of food kill for sport. At first they are strategic and find the best methods for a quick kill. Once they have gotten into a practice, most farmers are forced to put their pet down. Jack, a young boy from a civilized background appears to be a sensible and collective boy. He can be compared to sheep dogs in his killing instincts and violent tactics. In "Lord of the Flies", Jack becomes out of control with violence and is brought back to civilization by someone far beyond his power. Therefore the Navy officer and the farmer from the illustration can be compared as well.
6. The ID can be found in all of the characters from Lord of the Flies when Jack leads the hunt targeting "the beast". The beast is actually Simon, but the boys ignore this fact when getting so involved in their chant. They don't consider any conflict and act solely off of instinct.
7. ID
7.1. Jack is clearly the ID of Freud's personality theory. He is already showcasing characteristics of self satisfaction. He is consumed with the need to kill, not helping others, controlling all situations, wanting instant gratification.
7.1.1. Jack publicly confirms his new self without civilization when he paints his face and sees himself as a stranger. He has a passion for killing and thinks more about his power over the island than getting rescued. This can be recognized when Jack cares nothing about the rescue fire and more about killing the beast.
7.2. Roger is similar to Jack in his ID instinct. While he is not as bold as Jack, and is a follower more than he leader, he still has lost his grasp to civilization. He is violent and recognizes his power with no grown ups by taking his power for granted.
7.2.1. Roger displays his ID instinct when he throws stones at the littluns who represent the less powerful population.
8. EGO
8.1. Ralph is the EGO of Freud's personality theory. He considers both sides of a problem while also looking at the solutions impact. In his position, he feels it necessary to take the place as the EGO to be a leader. He doesn't find the need to please everyone but he recognizes that his power could be lost if he doesn't.
8.1.1. When Ralph is attempting to make a fire, he allows Piggy's glasses to be taken from him. He considers Piggy's lack of eyesight but recognizes a need for fire and possibility of rescue.
9. Super EGO
9.1. Simon is the Super EGO of Freud's personality theory. Simon is the most sensible boy of all the boys on the island. He's one of the only boys who still holds on to civilization and appreciates nature. He looks out for others and better ways to improve the island therefore he determines the reliance of the EGO from Ralph.
9.1.1. When Simon took the initiative to help Ralph with building the shelters when no one else would, he represented the Super EGO. Simon was also intentional about helping the littluns survive when Jack tormented them.
9.2. Piggy represents a Super EGO character by considering positive outcomes and looking for efficiency. He is the most intelligent and mature boy of all the island.
9.2.1. When all the biguns leave to hunt down the beast, Piggy volunteers to stay with the littleuns to protect them. By doing this he presents his caring personality toward the less powerful.