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Reformation создатель Mind Map: Reformation

1. The Protestant reformation

1.1. Backround to the reformation

1.1.1. in 1500s renaissance in north europe sparked religious upheavel

1.1.2. beginning in middle ages, the church had become increasingly caught up iin world affairs

1.1.3. Many Christians protested reformation, a few thinkers protested against church ,more strongly

1.1.4. Jan hus, born about 40 years after wycliffe in what is now the czech republic led a reform movement for which he was excuted

1.1.5. In 1517, a priest named johann tetzel set up a pulpit on the outskirts of wittenburg in germany

1.1.6. In 1521 pope leo X excommunicated luther

1.1.7. All Christians have equal access to god and faith

1.1.8. In 1524, a peasant revolt erupted across germany

1.1.9. During 1530s to 2540s charles V tried to force Luthrean princes back to catholic church but with little sucess

1.2. Switzerland reformation

1.2.1. Swiss reformation challenged the catholic church

1.2.2. Calvin was born in france and trained as a priest and lawyer

1.2.3. In 1541 protestants in swiss city-state of geneva asked Calvin to lead their community

1.2.4. In Germany, Catholics and Lutherans opposed Calvinists

1.2.5. In scotland, a calvinist preacher named John Knox led a religious rebillion,overthrowing the catholic queen

2. Reformation ideas spread

2.1. An explosion of protestant sects

2.1.1. As reformation continued hundreds of new protestant sects or religious groups that had broken away from established church

2.1.2. A few Anabaptist sects sought radical change as well

2.2. English reformation

2.2.1. In England religious leaders like john wycliffe had called for church reform in early 1300s

2.2.2. At first henry VIII stood firmly against the protestant revolt

2.2.3. Henry was quite furious in that situation

2.2.4. Between 1536 and 1540 royal officials investigated catholic convents and monasteries

2.2.5. When Henry died only one of his sons survived despite being married six times

2.2.6. On Marys death in 1558 the throne passed to 25 year old Elizabeth

2.3. Catholic reformation

2.3.1. To establish the direction that reform should take the pope called the council of Trent in 1545

2.3.2. Pope Paul strengthen the inquisition to fight Protestantism

2.3.3. In 1540 the pope recognized new religious order

2.3.4. By 1600 majority of Europeans remained catholic

2.4. Widespread persection

2.4.1. During this period of heightened passion persecution was widespread

2.4.2. Between 1450 and 1750 tens of thousands of women and men died as victims in witch hunts

2.4.3. For many jews in italy renaissance had been a time of relative prosparity