Planning for Learning - Scaffolding by Alyssa McNealby Alyssa McNeal
1. Related Objectives
1.1. Students will be able to read a minimum of 100 words per minute from various reading passages.
1.2. Students will be able to analyze the passages they are reading by answering questions relating back to the text.
1.3. Students will be able to analyze the passages they are reading by answering questions relating back to the text.
1.4. Students will show they comprehend the passages they are reading by writing a summary of the passage in their own words.
1.5. Students will complete written reading assessments in which they will choose the best answer out of four choices, and answer questions by writing sentences to demonstrate their understanding of the material they read.
2. Scaffolding Ideas
2.1. Modeling/Gestures - Use hand motions and movements to act out different parts of a story, or the meaning of vocabulary words.
2.2. Graphic Organizers - Have students fill out graphic organizers that go along with whatever story they are reading. Graphic organizer will include setting, character, and plot description.
2.3. Sentence Structures/Starters - After reading a story or passage, I will give students the beginning of sentences and have them finish the sentences with their own ideas. These sentences will be recap questions regarding what happened in the story or passage.
2.4. Read Aloud - All stories or passages are read aloud to the students before they read them on their own for the first time.
2.5. Pause, Ask Questions, Pause, Review - During Popcorn reading, I will stop, ask a question regarding what has just been read, and then call on students at random to answer the questions. Once a couple of students have shared their answers, we will continue reading where we left off.
3. Big Ideas
3.1. By the end of the school year, students should be able to read and understand any 2nd-3rd grade level reading material that is given to them, including stories and poems.
4. Standard for 2nd Grade ELA
4.1. CCSS.ELA-LITERATURE.RL.2.10 - By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories and poetry, in the grades 2-3 text complexity and proficiently, with scaffolding needed at the high end of the range.
5. Key Factors About my Students
5.1. Ability to identify words - By using modeling and gestures, I am hoping that my students will be able to memorize definitions of vocabulary words, and recognize them on reading and vocabulary quizzes.
5.2. Recognizing different parts of a story - Some of my students have a difficult time differentiating between different parts of a story or passage, including the setting, plot, beginning, middle, and end. A graphic organizer will give me the ability to lay each part of a story out and have my students have them do different activities with each component of the story.
5.3. Participating in review questions - Using sentence structures/starters will give my students a starting off point for review questions. One of my objectives for this year is to have my students understanding and articulating what they just read. By giving them the beginning of sentences, hopefully they will be able to come up with the rest of the answer on their own.
5.4. Basic fluency or reading words per minute - A lot of my students struggle with their reading fluency, and can only read low amounts of words per minute. By reading passages aloud to them before they read themselves, I am hoping they will be able to identify some more words and read at a quicker pace.
5.5. Understanding and remembering material for a test - During reading, by stopping and asking my students review questions, hopefully they will recall some of the questions we have talked about and be able to identify