Technology Standards for Education

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Technology Standards for Education por Mind Map: Technology Standards for Education

1. ISTE Standards for Students (2016)

1.1. Digital Citizen: Students will learn how to responsibly use digital technology and the moral and ethical standards set by their involvement

1.2. Knowledge Constructor: Students will learn to critically think about the information learn to gain a more insightful meaning

1.3. Innovative Designer: Students will learn a variety of technological skills to help them become creative problem solvers and creators.

1.4. Creative Communicator: Students will learn how to communicate well through a variety of platforms including speech, visual creations, and audio creations.

1.5. Global Collaborator: Students will learn how to work together both locally and globally and to understand new and different points of view.

2. Learning and Technology Policy Framework

2.1. Student Centered Learning: Learning that focuses on giving the students accurate and essential tools to help them learn safe, responsible, and relevant techniques for engaging in online activities and using technology.

2.2. Professional Learning: Educators will learn how to use the technology effectively for their students and apply the technology to their own personal and professional growth and resources.

2.3. Research and Innovation: Creative and ever growing methods of integrating technology in school that will benefit all students and professionals.

2.4. Leadership: Policies related to technology will be fully understood and effectively integrated into the school curriculum and educational goals.

2.5. Access, Infrastructure, and Digital Learning Environments: Students and Schools will have access to reliable technical systems and equal access to all devices used in the classroom.

3. ISTE Standards for Teachers (2008)

3.1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity: Teachers will use their knowledge and experiences to help foster student creativity and experience.

3.2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments: Teachers will be able to customize activities and learning to ensure relevant and important information is given to the students.

3.3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning: Teachers will have knowledge in a variety of technologies and be innovative in these technologies.

3.4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship  and Responsibility: Teachers will be aware of social/political/economic problems associated with technology and be aware of their responsibility as a user in a global digital environment.

3.5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership: Teachers will be continually learning and growing in their own knowledge of technology in education so that they may provide the best service to their students.

4. IST Program of Studies

4.1. Students will be knowledgeable in the role that technology plays in their life and the lives of others.

4.2. Students will practice moral and ethical behaviour and actions when they use technology.

4.3. Students will show good judgement when receiving information from online or through mass media.

4.4. Students will be responsible when it comes to their physical bodies when using technology.

4.5. Students will have a basic understanding of how to properly use a variety of technologies.