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Music by Mind Map: Music

1. Does each country have their own message with music

2. Issues

2.1. Why is some music considered 'bad'?

2.2. Is music responsible for societies well being?

3. Lyrics

3.1. Lines

3.2. Verses

3.3. Chorus

3.4. Bridges

4. Age

4.1. Teenagers

4.2. 12-18?

4.2.1. Male/Female

5. Does the beat, sound have an impact on how we feel?

6. Does the music we listen to have an imact on how we feel?

7. Does music change our attitude?

7.1. Our feelings towards friends and family

8. Animals

8.1. Are animals effected by music?

8.1.1. Common pets like dogs, birds

8.2. Do certain genres effect animals, e.g rock?

8.3. Do animals learn things from music? e.g speech - birds

9. Treatment

9.1. Does music cure diseases?

9.2. Brain waves - The effects of volume (e.g loud)

10. Emotion

10.1. Sad

10.2. Happy

10.3. Anxious

10.4. Lonely

10.5. Fragile

10.6. Joyful

10.7. Angry

10.8. Depressed

11. Genres

11.1. Classical

11.2. R n B

11.3. Dance

11.4. Electronic

11.5. Pop

11.6. Jazz

11.7. Rock

12. Importance of Music

12.1. Does everybody listen to music?

12.2. Why do people listen to music?

12.3. What is the impact of music on people? - teens

13. Cultures

13.1. Different lyrics effecting religion

13.2. How culture effects people

13.2.1. Presentation of presenting music

13.3. Does music impact race? stereotypical, rap vs pop

13.4. Similarity between countires/languages

13.5. Languages in general

13.6. Different music, different countries

14. Sound

14.1. Pitch

14.2. Beat

14.3. Voice

14.4. instruments, influence emotions?