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Nutrients by Mind Map: Nutrients

1. Micronutrients

1.1. Vitamins

2. For Regular Bodily Functions

3. Minerals

3.1. When sick, young, elderly and/or pregnant

4. Growth & Development

5. Process Macronutrients, Allowing Our Bodies to Function

6. Calcium

7. Bones & Teeth Strong

8. Trace Minerals

9. Large Amounts

10. Iron

11. Blood Production

12. Fruits & Vegetables

13. Our Diet

14. Growth & Development

15. Fat Soluble

16. Vitamin A

17. Healthy Vision, Skin, and Hair

18. Diverse Biochemical Functions

19. Water Soluble

20. Essential to Convert Food Into Fuel, Helping Us Stay Energized

21. B12

22. Red Blood Cells

23. Cells Grow

24. Nerve Fibres

25. Macronutrients

25.1. Water

25.1.1. For Metabolic Processes

25.1.2. Tissues by Keeping Moist; spinal cord + Joints by Lubricating + Cushioning

25.1.3. Digestion

25.1.4. Regulate Body Temperature & Removes Waste

25.1.5. Not Provided

25.2. Proteins

25.2.1. Amino Acids

25.2.2. Energy

25.2.3. Hormones & Enzymes

25.2.4. Incomplete Proteins Some Essential Amino Acids

25.2.5. For Structure, Function, and Regulation of Tissues & Organs Complete Proteins

26. Large Amount Daily

27. All Essential Amino Acids (9)

28. Carbohydrates

29. Fats

30. Energy Storage/Provider

31. Triglyceride

31.1. Unsaturated Fats "Healthy Fats"

32. Liquid at Room Temperature

33. Saturated Fats

34. Solid at Room Temperature

35. Energy

35.1. Simple

36. Sugars/Sucrose

37. Fast Food

38. Obesity

38.1. Excess Body Fat Has Accumulated, Negative Health Impacts

39. Heart Disease

39.1. Usually Conditions Involving Narrow or Blocked Blood Vessels

40. Complex

41. Starch

42. Glycogen

43. Fibre

44. Digestion & Cleansing

45. Constipation, High Blood Sugar & High Cholesterol Levels

46. Approximately 60% Water