Tyger Tyger A poem by William Blake

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Tyger Tyger A poem by William Blake by Mind Map: Tyger Tyger A poem by William Blake

1. Main knowledge area of exploration

1.1. Arts

1.1.1. Visual arts Students will be able to reflect on the poem utilising a variety of mediums. This process of reflecting is how students will engage critically with the poem and connect with their own thought and emotional processes. painting - children will be encouraged to reflect on their impressions of the poem - the emotions, the visuals it described, the narrative Drawing - student can express their thoughts and responses to the poem through drawing and talking about their drawings with educators. sculpture - clay could be utilised to create the visage of the tiger or to explore further the idea of a 'creator' making the animals.

1.1.2. Performance arts Students will be encouraged to engage with the poem and poetry in general through these mediums, depending on their degrees of interest. Dramatic play and interpretation will offer some insight into their digestion of the provocation Tyger Tyger music - introduce the musical performance of Tyger Tyger by Patti Smith or Jon Cheryl - encourage students to make their own musical adaptations oral poetry - students could make their own poems in response to the poem encompassing any theme they feel connected to. Dance - this could include dancing to the musical versions of the poem, or creating a dance themselves to the poem, or moving like the tiger in the poem. drama - dramatic play around the themes of the poem - acting as a tiger - acting as a creator of animals

2. Potential knowledge area crossover

2.1. Mathematics

2.1.1. Symmetry  Students may be interested in exploring further the idea of symmetry and its significance

2.2. Science and Biology

2.2.1. Potential for scientific investigation is small but present, especially if students become enthralled with the contradiction of the imagery of the tiger versus the lamb. prey/predator relationships Anatomy and physicality of animals Habitats ecosystems evolution

2.3. English and Literacy

2.3.1. Poetry metalanguage While analysing the poem, technical vocabulary will be used and explained. rhyme alliteration/assonance stanza/verse meter/rhythm symbolism/metaphor

2.3.2. vocabulary expansion Aside from metalanguage, when reading the poem students may encounter words they have not heard before: sinew, immortal, aspire, symmetry, dread. Also period language: thee, thine, thy.

2.3.3. critically engaging with texts Children will spend time thinking about and unpacking the substance of the poem and through discussion will reflect on their ideas and the ideas of others, and hypothesise the intentions of the author. finding meaning for self for author for others reflective thought

3. Links to Early Years Learning Framework (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, 2009)

3.1. Outcome 4: children are confident and involved learners

3.1.1. Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity when they: - are curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning - use play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas - follow and extend their own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration - initiate and contribute to play experiences emerging from their own ideas - participate in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry-based experiences

3.2. Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators

3.2.1. Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes when they: - convey and construct messages with purpose and confidence, building on home/family and community literacies - respond verbally and non-verbally to what they see, hear, touch, feel and taste - use language and representations from play, music and art to share and project meaning - contribute their ideas and experiences in play, small and large group discussions - interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, clarify and challenge thinking, negotiate and share new understandings - convey and construct messages with purpose and confidence, building on literacies of home/family and the broader community - exchange ideas, feelings and understandings using language and representations in play - express ideas and feelings and understand and respect the perspectives of others

3.2.2. Children engage with a range of texts and gain meaning from these texts when they - listen and respond to sounds and patterns in speech, stories and rhymes in context - view and listen to printed, visual and multimedia texts and respond with relevant gestures, actions, comments and/or questions - begin to understand key literacy and numeracy concepts and processes, such as the sounds of language, letter-sound relationships, concepts of print and the ways that texts are structured - explore texts from a range of different perspectives and begin to analyse the meanings - actively use, engage with and share the enjoyment of language and texts in a range of ways - recognise and engage with written and oral culturally constructed texts

4. Links to Australian Curriculum (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2015)

4.1. The Arts

4.1.1. Arts – Visual Arts - Explore ideas, experiences, observations and imagination to create visual artworks and design, including considering ideas in artworks by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists (ACAVAM106) - Use and experiment with different materials, techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks (ACAVAM107) - Create and display artworks to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAVAM108)

4.1.2. Arts – Music - Sing and play instruments to improvise, practise a repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including songs used by cultural groups in the community(ACAMUM081) - Create compositions and perform music to communicate ideas to an audience (ACAMUM082)

4.1.3. Arts – Drama - Explore role and dramatic action in dramatic play, improvisation and process drama (ACADRM027) - Use voice, facial expression, movement and space to imagine and establish role and situation (ACADRM028)

4.1.4. Arts – Dance - Explore, improvise and organise ideas to make dance sequences using the elements of dance (ACADAM001) - Use fundamental movement skills to develop technical skills when practising dance sequences (ACADAM002)

4.2. English

4.2.1. Language - Understand that language can be used to explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (ACELA1429) - Understand that texts can take many forms, can be very short (for example an exit sign) or quite long (for example an information book or a film) and that stories and informative texts have different purposes (ACELA1430) - Understand that some language in written texts is unlike everyday spoken language(ACELA1431) - Recognise and generate rhyming words,alliteration patterns, syllables and sounds (phonemes) in spoken words (ACELA1439)

4.2.2. Literature - Recognise that texts are created by authors who tell stories and share experiences that may be similar or different to students’ own experiences(ACELT1575) - Recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic features of literary texts, for example beginnings and endings of traditional texts and rhyme in poetry(ACELT1785) - Replicate the rhythms and sound patterns in stories, rhymes, songs and poems from a range of cultures (ACELT1579) - Retell familiar literary texts through performance, use of illustrations and images(ACELT1580)

4.2.3. Literacy - Listen to and respond orally to texts and to the communication of others in informal and structured classroom situations (ACELY1646) - Identify some differences between imaginative and informative texts (ACELY1648) - Use comprehension strategies to understand and discuss texts listened to, viewed or read independently (ACELY1650)

4.3. Mathematics

4.3.1. Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings (ACMNA005)

4.4. Science

4.4.1. Biological Sciences Living things have basic needs, including food and water (ACSSU002)