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Enjoy the Club создатель Mind Map: Enjoy the Club

1. Operation

1.1. Time

1.2. Location

1.3. Schedule

2. Design

2.1. Layout

2.1.1. Page

2.1.2. Style

2.2. Photo

2.3. Type

2.3.1. Font

2.3.2. Color

2.3.3. Size

3. Core program

3.1. Character and Leadership Development

3.2. Education and Career Development

3.3. Health and Life Skills

3.4. The Arts

3.5. Sports, Fitness, and Recreation

4. About us

4.1. Staff

4.1.1. Director

4.2. Introduction

4.3. Contact

4.3.1. Phone

4.3.2. Email

4.3.3. Address

4.3.4. Website