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Badminton by Mind Map: Badminton

1. Equipment

1.1. Racquets

1.2. Strings

1.3. Grip

1.4. Shuttlecock

2. Strokes

2.1. Service

2.2. Forehand

2.3. Backhand

2.4. Smash

2.5. Clear

2.6. Drop

3. History

3.1. Mid-19th century among the British

3.2. International Badminton Federation created in 1934

3.3. Asia dominates the game

3.4. In Olympics since 1992

4. Rules

4.1. Court:  13,4 m. x 5,18 m. (i) /6,1 m. (d)

4.2. Net: 1,55 m.

4.3. Scoring; 3 sets of 21

4.4. Serve: below waist height

5. Categories

5.1. Single

5.2. Double

5.3. Mixed double