What is your house like

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What is your house like by Mind Map: What is your house like

1. It has a large yard

1.1. in the courtyard is the washing machine

1.2. In garden full of flowers

1.3. laundry

2. My house has two levels and is green

3. It has three bathrooms

3.1. one of brown color

3.2. one green

3.3. one blue

4. Has a kitchen

4.1. The dishwasher

4.2. The fridge

4.3. The microwave oven

4.4. The blender and slab

4.5. The stove

5. It has five bedrooms

5.1. My parents

5.1.1. there is a bed, a TV

5.2. My brother and family

5.2.1. there are three beds and a TV

5.3. Breakfast

5.3.1. there is a bed, a TV

5.4. My daughter and I

5.4.1. there are two beds, two televisions

6. In my house we live eight people, my brother lives with his wife and two children on the second floor of the house, my parents live on the first floor and also live on the first floor with my daughter