A4: Generations of information seekers - google generation myth or reality

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A4: Generations of information seekers - google generation myth or reality 저자: Mind Map: A4: Generations of information seekers - google generation myth or reality

1. They are used to being entertained and now expect this of their formal learning experience at university

1.1. Information media must be interesting or they will fail to be used

1.1.1. hmmm - concern is the absorption of information find examples where more "entertaining delivery" impeded memory.... why do people remember soap opera details...

1.1.2. circular argument

2. They multitask in all areas of their live

2.1. do they....? evidence?

3. They have shifted decisively to digital forms of communication: texting rather than talking

4. They prefer interactive systems and are turning away from being passive consumers of information

5. They have very high expectations of ICTs

5.1. memory of period w/ slower systems

6. They are more competent with technolog

6.1. but use simple systems

7. If reading is still important in the processes of learning, then any change in how we read is potentially very significant.

8. They have zero tolerance for delay and their information needs must be fulfilled immediately

9. They prefer visual information over text

9.1. text is important - and putting novel interfaces w/libary interfaces.

10. They find their peers more credible as information sources than authority figures

10.1. not true of university / school

10.2. true in social netowrks, another reason for staying out of social netowrks.... or perhaps we can use social netwroks to connect well socially...

11. they need to be constantly connected

11.1. 65 year olds spend longer...

11.2. factors specific to the individual, personality and background, are much more significant than generation.

12. They are the `cut-and-paste’ generation

12.1. affordance....... who doesn't use the cut and paste method. the point is that they maybe don't have as much oppotuntity to write and therefore it's a higher cognitive load.

13. They pick up computer skills by trial-and-error

14. They prefer quick information in the form of easily digested chunks, rather than full text

14.1. everyone is doing that

14.2. affordance of the technology

15. They are expert searchers

15.1. "dangerous myth

16. They think everything is on the web (and it’s all free)

16.1. reverse the question - people are unaware of libary sponsered content

16.2. affordance again? It's much easier to copy the ideas

17. They do not respect intellectual property

17.1. feel that copyright regimes are unfair and unjust

18. They are format agnostic

18.1. information is now format agnostic...

18.1.1. what about the apple only stuff - apple universities...

19. range of types

19.1. think about support for other learners

19.1.1. forum posting

20. "I'm also wondering about that. Is that the real reason or is it may be that people are choosing to use the method/tool that best fits their needs and preferences