Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese P...

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Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community by Mind Map: Effect of Malay-China Trade Relations During the Malacca Sultanate  on the Emergence of Chinese Peranakan Community

1. Commercial Activities in Malacca

1.1. important factor that makes it a port of call for traders from India, China, Arab and so forth.

1.2. Malacca was also a center of the spice trade

1.3. Its harbor which was situated in a protected zone, was safe from the threat of the Southwest Monsoon and Northeast Monsoon.

2. Effect of Commercial Activity Against Chinese Peranakan Community Formation in Malacca

2.1. The Chinese who settled in Malacca during the Portuguese rule (1511-1641)

2.2. Lack of Chinese women in Malacca was the main factor in the phenomenon of intermarriage between early Chinese migrants with local women.

2.3. Chinese Peranakans in Malacca had progressed in various sectors.

2.4. Justified by the places of worship of the Chinese in Malacca such as Cheng Hoon Teng Temple.

3. China Trade Relations and Malacca

3.1. diplomatic relations

3.2. Ming Dynasty there was a significant growth of trade relations

3.3. Protection and auspices of the Chinese government on the state of Malacca had given the chance for it to grow

4. History of Chinese Arrival in Malacca

4.1. Earliest settlements of the Chinese.

4.2. The British colonial era.

4.3. the post-independence Malaya.