Absolute Monarchs

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Absolute Monarchs by Mind Map: Absolute Monarchs

1. Louis XIII of France

1.1. Reigned from 1610-1643

1.2. Successfully intervened the Thirty Years War

1.3. Kept nobility in his control

1.4. His expedition to quell the Huguenot Rebellion failed

1.5. He eliminated opposition to the monarchy

1.6. Revoked the military provision of the Edict of Nantes

2. Henry IV of France

2.1. Reigned from 1589-1610

2.2. Funded several expeditions to North America

2.3. Restored Paris with the Pont Neuf

2.4. Regulated state finances

2.5. Encouraged education

2.6. Issued the Edict of Nantes

2.7. Wanted to foster religious tolerance

2.8. Won the War of 3 Henry's

3. Ivan the Terrible

3.1. He crowned himself Czar

3.2. Conquered independent principalities

3.3. Set the system of serfdom

3.4. Organized the Streltsy to govern districts

3.5. He confiscated and granted property to people

3.6. In 1582, after the Livonian War, Russia lost northern territories and access to the Baltic

3.7. When he died he left Russia in political and economic ruins

4. Louis XIV of France

4.1. Reigned from 1643-1715

4.2. Established a more centralized government

4.3. Refined the absolute monarchy

4.4. Created a court at Versailles

4.5. Started the War of the League of Augsburg

4.6. He believed that making a central court would strengthen the absolute monarchy

5. Phillip II of Spain

5.1. Son of Charles V

5.2. Ruler of Spain, Netherlands, and the Spanish American colonies

5.3. The empire he created circled the globe

5.4. For Catholicism against Muslims and Protestants

5.5. Defeated the Ottomans at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571

5.6. Spanish Armada destroyed by England in 1588

5.7. Mercantilism brought riches to Spain