Racism and prejudice

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Racism and prejudice by Mind Map: Racism and prejudice

1. New words

1.1. Discrimination - Diskriminere

1.2. Treatment- En måde at behandle andre på

1.3. Busboycutt - At lade være med at tage med bussen

1.4. Prejudice - Fordomme

1.4.1. To be prejudice - At være fordomsfuld

1.4.2. To suffer from prejudice - At lide under fordomme/være ramt af fordomme

1.5. Campaigners - Kampagner

1.6. Treated fairly - Behandlet retfærdigt

1.7. Disable - Et handicap

1.8. Snap jugdement - Hurtig dømmende

1.9. Apartheid - Sydafrikansk racediskrimination

1.10. Stereotypes - have en opfattelse af/fordom om sådan er det/kliche

1.11. Riots - Opstande

1.12. Civilrights movement - Borgerretttigheder

1.13. Banned - Forbud

1.14. Offered certain - Tilbudt visse (jobs)

1.15. Teasing - Behandle/mobbe

1.16. Average - Gennemsnittet

1.17. Suffragettes - Kvindestrømper

1.18. Confident - Selvsikker

1.19. Bully - Mobbe

1.20. Cope - ordne

1.21. Racial and social injustice - racemæssig og social uretfærdighed

1.22. Racial tensions - Spændinger imellem sorte og hvide

2. Differences between white and blacks

2.1. Segregation

2.1.1. Schools The schools were segregated and the blacks could go to school in a little room under the school

2.1.2. Toiltes The black and whites have their own toiletes beside eachother. And of course the white have the most cleanly and santation

2.1.3. Busses - color sections The black have their own section in the bus and the have to pay at the whithes section and after that go out of the bus bus and in at the other door. Sometimes the bus drives when a black goes out of the bus and into the next door. A black person have too get up, if a white want to sit besides a black

2.2. Works and health

2.2.1. No education - No high quality work There is nobody there see some blacks as capacity for work

2.2.2. White bosses do't want to emplys black workers if possible They have the power over you - The can shoot you if they want If you're a waiter for someone - The room have to be empty as don't are there

2.2.3. Longer hours - fewer money Blacks have to work longer for the whites as slave and becomes treated as animals and in spite of that they got fewer money

2.3. Education

2.3.1. Not aviable for most black people Whites don't see blacks as good enough to work

2.3.2. Can't vote They don't see them as political disposition

3. NOTE: If you’re being prejudicing and condemnatory to others who might not be like you - have a different skin colour, come from a different country or have another way of living. - Make statements about someone.

4. Presidents

4.1. Dwight D. Eisenhower

4.1.1. 60 years

4.1.2. Eisenhower fight for racism

4.2. J. F. Kennedy

4.2.1. He fighted for the balcks right

4.2.2. He became shoot on the way to the plaine

4.2.3. Lee Harvey Oswald shoot Kennedy Jack Ruby shoot Lee after he shot Kennedy

4.3. Lyndon B. Johnson

4.3.1. He worked for the the organisation civilrights in almost 100 years to make it possible for blacks to vote

4.4. Nixon

4.4.1. The only presidnt who can go of before the election Water skate

4.5. Gerald Ford

4.5.1. In his collage days he tooks a bold against racism

4.6. Jimmi Carter

4.6.1. He has a quote: Many Americans still have racist tendencies or feelings of superiority to people of color

4.7. Ronald Reagan

4.7.1. He is against the black people

4.8. Barack Obama

4.8.1. He is himself a black man, so he's for racism

4.9. Donald Trump

4.9.1. He hates black people and want them to move out of USA

5. Films and books about racism

5.1. The butler

5.1.1. The Butler - Cecil Butler in 42 years Cecil the father was a Butler in the white house Experinced Barack Obama been elected Meeted Barack Obama before he died

5.1.2. Charlie The son Charlie died in the vietnam war

5.1.3. Louis The son Louis was a civil right fither Louis wants Mandela to be free

5.1.4. Gloria She drinks She died at the lunchtable

5.1.5. About the film Based on a true story Apartheid and Martin Luther King is also People are shoot, killed and beated

5.2. Nelson Mandela

5.2.1. He fight for equal rights

5.3. Home

5.3.1. It's a book about a white who rich and fall in love with a waiter in their house - forbitten love

6. Famous dates

6.1. 1964

6.1.1. Civil rights act 1964 a law that allowed the segregation between black and white - Det var en lov der gjorde raceadskillelse ulovligt

6.2. 1955

6.2.1. Rosa parks were arrested

6.2.2. Montgomery bus Boycott

6.3. 1965

6.3.1. Malcom X were murdered

7. Fighters against racism

7.1. Nelson Mandela

7.1.1. Fights for civil rights

7.1.2. Peaceful violence

7.1.3. Used love as their veapon

7.1.4. Became the first black persident in South Africa

7.1.5. Equal rights

7.1.6. 27 years in prison on Robben Island

7.1.7. Apartheid

7.1.8. Leader of the party ANC - African National Congress

7.1.9. Klerk gave him the Nobel Peace Prize in December

7.1.10. In 1980 Oliver Tambo made a campiagn to free Mandela

7.2. Rosa Parks

7.2.1. Get arrested

7.2.2. Were in a bus boycutt

7.2.3. Member of a civilright organisation

7.2.4. Famous women

7.2.5. Didn't get up, because the police said she schould

7.2.6. She sit behind the colorsections sign, but when the police came the busdriver removed it and sit it her so she got arrested

7.3. Martin Luther King

7.3.1. Speech - I have a dream I have a dream

7.3.2. Stand on the steps of Lincoln Memerial on held a speech

7.3.3. Bus boycott - 382 days

7.3.4. Got killed in front of his hotelroom

7.4. Ku Klux Klan

7.4.1. The were against the black people like Hitler were Judes.

7.4.2. They could set black houses on fire

7.4.3. Set their buses on fire while they were sitting in it

7.4.4. The really hate blacks

7.5. Mahatma Ghandi

7.5.1. He spent most of the time fighting for the indepence in India.

7.5.2. He led the Salt March to protest against the British.

7.5.3. He went to Law School in London.

7.5.4. He had a Law Office in South Africa.

7.5.5. Gandhi was killed on January 30, 1948.

7.5.6. He influenced Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and millions of other people.

7.6. Frederick Douglass

7.6.1. Douglass was a former slave who became committed to working for the emancipation of all slaves and ending the injustice of slavery and racism in America. He gave many stirring speeches criticising injustice and raising the hope for a nation where all people were treated equally of race, sex or religion.

7.7. William Wilberforce

7.7.1. Campaigned against slavery, helping to outlaw slavery in Great Britain. The Slavery Abolition Act 1833, was passed three days after his death.

7.8. Olaudah Equiano

7.8.1. The first black African slave to write about his experience as a slave.

7.9. Malala Yousafzai

7.9.1. Pakistani schoolgirl who defied threats of the Taliban to campaign for the right to education. She survived being shot in the head by the Taliban and has become a global advocate for human rights, women’s rights and the right to education.

8. Prejudice

8.1. Snap judgements

8.1.1. It’s like to judge a person very quick from the first sight, without any knowledge about the person - just by looking at his/her clothes and radiation.

8.2. Stereotype

8.2.1. That’s the people who often take a one-side view. They think very negative and have a narrow-minded opinion about something or someone.

8.3. One-sided view

8.3.1. If we see a person on the street, who are dressed weird, lightly dressed or just improper, we can quickly make snap judgements about this person without knowing anything about him/her and think they’re different from us.

8.4. Employers makes fun of them - Even bully them at work

8.4.1. In form of their shape or their bodyshape

8.4.2. Prejudice comes in many formes. People can prejudice against others because of their ages, their size and their sex

8.4.3. Rasicm often involves making fun of people, turning them into “outsiders” and bullying them

8.4.4. Some people are prejudice people against different countries, skin colours or because they have a different way of life

8.5. Whites have no respekt for black people

8.5.1. We treated them like shit and and like animals..

9. Ways to protest

9.1. Sit - ins

9.1.1. That's restaurants were blacks can come in and have something to eat.

9.2. The freedom riders

9.2.1. It's a organisations of blacks people who fight for their rights

9.3. The bus boycott - Montgomery

9.3.1. Blacks don't take the bus for months so