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Human Population by Mind Map: Human Population

1. Agricultural period

1.1. 10 000 years ago - 1 000 years ago

1.1.1. Populations to double in size After 1,000 years

1.1.2. Domesticated plants and animals Improved irrigation and ploughing technologies Increased crop yeilds = more food = increased growth rates

1.1.3. Increased population growth rates Advances in agriculture

2. Pre-Agricultural period

2.1. before 10 000 years ago

2.1.1. 5 - 10 million people in end of period

2.1.2. Growth rate slow Population increased due to development of tools

3. Industrial period

3.1. 1 000 years ago - current

3.1.1. Advances in technology and agricultural techniques Increased food availability and consequently, the amount of people

3.1.2. Improved medicine and sanitation increased life span and the population grew

3.1.3. 50 years to double populations