Product Management Checklists

A list of all the items needed within the scope of product planning and release

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Product Management Checklists por Mind Map: Product Management Checklists

1. Release Information Checklist

1.1. Internal communication

1.1.1. Product Central release note

1.1.2. FAQs

1.1.3. Sales training

1.1.4. Technical training

1.2. External communication

1.2.1. Online Help

1.2.2. Feature introduction video

1.2.3. Publish KB articles

1.2.4. Data sheets

1.2.5. Customer announcement Email Webinar Roadshows Press release

1.2.6. Community post

1.2.7. EduGeek post

1.3. Technical release

1.3.1. Approve engineering release report

1.3.2. Create product release plan

1.3.3. Early Release

1.3.4. Limited Release

1.3.5. Schedule Release

2. Planning Process Checklist

2.1. Product propositions (Epics)

2.1.1. User requirements (stories)

2.1.2. Feature specifications (per story)

2.1.3. Benefit statements (per story)

2.1.4. Identify non-goals

2.1.5. UX final designs

2.1.6. Identify risks

2.2. Bugzilla review

2.2.1. Scope bugs

2.3. Project schedule

2.3.1. Agree engineering release plan

2.3.2. Identify dependencies

2.3.3. Prepare all product milestones

2.3.4. Determine licensing plans

2.4. Customer involvement

2.4.1. Define customers

2.4.2. Plan for customer interaction / feedback

2.4.3. Schedule for beta testing

2.4.4. Community plans

3. Release Readiness Checklist

3.1. Document known issues

3.2. Final bug list

3.3. Product release note

3.4. Identify FAQs and KB articles

4. Development Process Checklist

4.1. User stories per feature

4.1.1. User story (benefit statement)

4.1.2. Acceptance criteria

4.1.3. Identify constraints

4.1.4. Identify non-goals

4.1.5. Identify non-functional requirements Usability Debug Scalability Backup and restore Reliability Security Legal issues Support tools Documentation