Pip's Father Figures

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Pip's Father Figures by Mind Map: Pip's Father Figures

1. Wemmick

1.1. Negative

1.1.1. Works with Pip

1.1.2. Doesn't love Pip

1.2. Positive

1.2.1. Kind to Pip

2. Herbert

2.1. Positive

2.1.1. Teaches Pip

2.1.2. Kind to Pip

2.1.3. Has Empathy for Pip

2.1.4. Has patience for Pip

2.2. Negative

2.2.1. More of a friend than a father

3. Miss Havisham

3.1. Positive

3.1.1. Provides for Pip

3.2. Negative

3.2.1. She doesn't love Pip

3.2.2. Wants to "Break his heart"

4. Biddy

4.1. Positive

4.1.1. Loves Pip

4.1.2. Teaches Pip

4.2. Negative

4.2.1. Dosen't understand Pip

5. Jaggers

5.1. Positive

5.1.1. Gives him advice

5.1.2. Teaches Pip

5.2. Negative

5.2.1. Not Trustworthy

5.2.2. Not Loving

6. Joe Gargery

6.1. Positive

6.1.1. Gives him shelter

6.1.2. Provides a small amount for him

6.1.3. Kind to Pip

6.1.4. Look After Him

6.1.5. Loves Pip

6.2. Negative

6.2.1. Not formally educated

6.2.2. Doesn't always understand Pip

6.2.3. Doesn't share interests with Pip

7. Magwitch

7.1. Provides For Pip

7.2. Loves Pip

7.3. Kind to Pip

8. Mr's Joe Gargery

8.1. Negative

8.1.1. She's mean to Pip

8.2. Positive

8.2.1. Provides clean-ish clothes

8.2.2. Provides food & Water

8.2.3. Gives him shelter