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Chapter 8: by Mind Map: Chapter 8:

1. Public Space

1.1. Made up of private individuals

1.2. "Rationally" discuss public matters

1.3. Generally hostile and fearful toward homeless/underemployed

2. Homeless/Underemployed

2.1. Not accepted as part of the "public"

2.1.1. New node

2.2. Allowed to earn $ by selling TSN rather than panhandle

2.3. May initiate increased contact with the public through selling of TSN

3. TSN

3.1. Owed/Operated by ex-street people

3.2. provide a critique of social/political issues

3.2.1. May/may not live up to its mission due to narrow editorial voice

3.3. Primary audience not the homeless or underemployed

3.4. May alter general views of homeless/underemployed

4. Mainstream Media

4.1. Depict Homeless as social deviants

4.1.1. New node

4.2. "voice" of the masses

4.3. Highly corporatized

4.4. Favor the politically and economically superior

4.5. Bottom-line Driven

5. Independent Media

5.1. By and for the people

5.2. Greater reflection of public interest

5.3. Alternative view

5.4. 100 street papers worldwide

5.4.1. Toronto Street News