Vinyl usage research

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Vinyl usage research por Mind Map: Vinyl usage research

1. 1. Techgeek reported that vinyl sales are the highest they have been in 15 years

2. 3. This data has supported mine and Connors decision to create a vinyl for our CD as it has become trendy to own a vinyl and listen to the music. Techgeek also suggested that many people believe the sound quality of vinyl records is superior to other formats

3. 4. Techgeek also reported that Comparatively, CDs are still struggling with sales falling another 14% as digital music continues to rise as expected, this again made us not want to create a CD as less people purchase them.

4. 6. In addition, Me and Connor think that the use of making a vinyl will be more successful than making a CD due to an increase in the popularity of vinyl's.

5. 2. The figures from Nielsen SoundScan show the industry is booming with 2.9 million records sold in the past 6 months – a 33.5% rise in sales over the first half of 2012.

6. 5. So why are vinyls becoming popular? Techgeek suggests a young demographic is mainly purchasing vinyl records. This could be due to an increase in the popularity of things from earlier decades or it could be because some young people feel disconnected with intangible music.