Computer Security and Safety,Ethics,and privacy
by ARisa IM_RB
1. Unauthorized Access and Use
1.1. Digital forensics
2. Objectives Overview
2.1. New node
3. Computer Security Risks
3.1. Computer security risk
3.2. Cybercrime
3.2.1. Hackers
3.2.2. Crackers
3.2.3. Script Kiddies
3.2.4. Corporate Spies
3.2.5. Unethical Employees
3.2.6. Cyberextortionists
3.2.7. Cyberterrorists New node
4. Internet and Network Attacks
4.1. Computer Virus
4.2. Worm
4.3. Trojan Horse
4.4. Rootkit
5. Hardware Theft and Vandalism
5.1. Software Theft
6. System Failure
6.1. New node
7. Information Theft
7.1. New node
8. Internet and Network Attacks
8.1. A firewall
9. Internet and Network Attacks
9.1. Intrusion softwere
9.1.1. Analyzes all network traffic
9.1.2. Assesses system vulnerabilies
9.1.3. Identifies any unauthorized intrusions
9.1.4. Notifies network administrators of suspicious behavior patterns or security breaches
9.2. Honeypot
9.2.1. Vulnerable computer that is set up to entice an intruder to break into it