Enlightenment Ideas Spread
by Brendan Rice
1. new ideas challenge society
1.1. before
1.1.1. divine right gave power
1.1.2. enlightenment hikers challenged this
1.2. writers face censorship
1.2.1. restricting access to new ideas
1.2.2. burned books
1.2.3. imprisoned writers
1.3. ideas spread in salons
1.3.1. social gatherings
1.3.2. exchange ideas
2. arts and literature reflect new ideas
2.1. brofore
2.1.1. worked for patrons
2.2. from grandeur to charm
2.2.1. Rococo art light, elegant, and charming
2.2.2. Baroque paintings glorified battles
2.3. The enlightenment inspires composers
2.3.1. classical music
2.3.2. Mozart and other big names
2.4. novel/ fictional stories begin to arise
3. enlightened despots embrace new ideas
3.1. enlightened despot
3.1.1. absolute ruler who brings political and social change
3.2. Fredrick II attempts reform
3.2.1. work for common good
3.2.2. religious tolerance
3.2.3. disdain of torture
3.3. Catherine the great studies philosophes' work
3.3.1. russia
3.3.2. equality and liberity
3.3.3. religious tolerance and no torture
3.4. Joseph II continues reform
3.4.1. improve peasant life education care for the sick
3.4.2. religious equality
3.4.3. serfdom