Drama Reflections

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Drama Reflections by Mind Map: Drama Reflections

1. Warm-up Activities/10.10.2016 helps breaking ice between the students set a close relationship in class Blind, Football Wave, Celebrities/Personalities,Back Writing, Catch the Ball, Childhood Memories, Brian and Jeff are some of the activities serving as ice-breakers

2. Observation/17.10.2016 the main aim of these all activities is to develop either visual, personal or close observation skills Kim's game, Like me? Like you?, I said he said she said, My potato, Back to back, Picture memory are the activities a teacher can utitlize as observation

3. How to use masks in ELT? a very fun way to teach English especially for young learners body parts, have/has got structure, directions, jobs, colors, numbers and shapes can be taught via masks

4. GIFs in ELT/03.10.2016 helps keeping students interested helps catching their attention increases their participation and motivation adjectives, action verbs, animals could be taught

5. Group Formation Ides by giving numbers, by giving colorful papers,according to the first letter of their name could be done

6. What I learned at the end? giving clear instructions is vital using voice volume effectively is important body language makes learning fun any object could be used as a language teaching material miming plays an important role in teaching vocabulary

7. Working with mime/24.10.2016 helps to construct a message from visual clues by using body lanuage which I find very entertaining and fun a good way of teaching daily routines and any kind of vocabulary setting a time limit will make activities more enthusiastic Daily Activities, What time is it?, What am I doing?, Yellow and Green,Metronome Mime, Exchanging Objects are some of the activities we have covered.

8. Makey Makey/ 31.10.2016 It is a kit that can be connected to any object which is conductive makes that object touchpad a very fun way of teaching language voice can be recorded on the objects and start playing when touchpad storytelling could be done colors, objects, body parts and pronunciation could be taught with it

9. Working with visuals/ 05.12.2016 visuals are better at learning makes learning permanent plays an important role in language teaching as well inreases thinking skills and creating specualiton on anything Portraits, Recreating the Story, Guided visualization, Split Cartoons, Becoming a Picture, Characters from Fiction are some of the activites of this unit.

10. Technology Week/ 12.12.2016 provide a better and entertaining learning and teaching to learners kind of Augmented Reality apllications useful way of teaching colors, tenses, objects or preporsitions however I think Animals 4D, Elements 4D, Quiver Elements 4D is better to utulize by a science teacher not a language one

11. Working with objects/ 28.11.2016 in language teaching, objects can be used to describe them,stimulate memories, or they can transformed into symbols or icons turns classes into stress-free and entertaining areas All purposes, Sherlock Holmes, Symbols&Icons, What am I holding?, What am I BID?,My special object your special object are the sample activities to utilize objects in language teaching

12. Working with the voice/ 21.11.2016 these activities are done to express the role of human voice in communication the more cleerly, the more effectively a communication becomes an effective way to put emphasis on sepacial parts of a speech Spelling, Breathing exercise, Tongue-twisters, Working on Words are some them