1. Two Subjects Foundation - end of Year 8: All students study both subjects (ACARA and SCSA) Year 9 and 10: determined by school authorities (ACARA), optional but preferred (SCSA).
1.1. Design and Technologies
1.1.1. Knowledge and Understanding Technologies and society * use, development and impact of technologies in people's lives Technologies contexts * technologies and design across a range of technologies contexts
1.1.2. Processes and production skills Creating designed solutions by: * investigating * generating * evaluating * collaborating and managing
1.2. Digital technologies
1.2.1. Knowledge and Understanding Digital systems * components of digital systems: hardware, software and networks and their use Representation of data * how data are represented and structured symbolically
1.2.2. Processes and production skills Collecting, managing and analysing data. Creating digital solutions by: * defining *designing * implementing *evaluating *collaborating and managing
2. Curriculum Aims and Objectives
2.1. Technologies enrich and impact on the lives of people and societies globally. Society needs enterprising students who can make discerning decisions about the development and use of technologies, develop solutions to complex challenges and contribute to sustainable patterns of living. Technologies can play an important role in transforming, restoring and sustaining societies and natural, managed and constructed environments.
3. Cross-curriculum priorities
3.1. Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia
3.1.1. Gives students opportunities to explore traditional, contemporary, and emerging technological achievements in the countries of the Asia region
3.2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
3.2.1. Understand that technologies of the world's first and most continuous culture often developed through intimate knowledge of Country/Place and Culture
3.3. Sustainability
3.3.1. Prepares students to take action to create more sustainable patterns of living
4. Links to other learning areas
4.1. English
4.1.1. Students need to describe objects,and events; interpret descriptions; read and give instructions; generate and explore ideas with others; write design briefs and specifications, marketing texts, evaluation and variation reports; and participate in group discussions
4.2. Mathematics
4.2.1. Students process data using tables, lists, picture graphs, column graphs and line graphs. Data analysis skills will develop, enhancing their ability to analyse patterns and trends in data as part of technologies investigations
4.3. Science
4.3.1. Technologies curriculum complements the science curriculum. Draws on concepts from biological, chemical and physical sciences to solve problems and design solutions to meet human needs and opportunities Online Charts http://www.onlinecharttool.com/help
4.4. History
4.4.1. Important that students learn that technologies have developed through the gradual accumulation of knowledge over many centuries
4.5. Geography
4.5.1. Using cntexts from the Geography curriculum, Technologies knowledge, understanding and skills can be applied
4.6. The Arts
4.6.1. Aspects of aesthetics are incorporated into the design processes in Technologies learning activities
4.7. Health and Physical Education
4.7.1. Students develop and practise small motor coordination skills which help with manipulative skills.
4.7.2. Students learn about food and nutrition - then applied to the selection and preparation of food when designing healthy food solutions
4.8. Economics and Business
4.8.1. Develop enterprising behaviours and capabilities
5. General Capabilities
5.1. Literacy
5.1.1. learn how to communicate ideas, concepts and detailed proposals to variety of audiences, read and interpret instructions, write project outlines etc
5.1.2. Learn there is specific technology literacy, often using drawings, diagrams, flow charts, models, tables and graphs
5.2. Numeracy
5.2.1. interpret and use mathematical knowledge and skills in range of real-life situations
5.2.2. Use all aspects of maths
5.3. Information and Communication technology (ICT) capability
5.3.1. Develop and apply understanding of data, digital systems, audiences, procedures and computational thinking, as well as learn to operate specific software tools and digital hardware. Edison Robot http://meetedison.com
5.4. Critical and Creative thinking
5.4.1. Imagine, generate, develop and critically evaluate ideas. Develop reasoning and capacity for abstraction through challenging problems that do not have straightforward solutions
5.5. Personal and social capability
5.5.1. engage in project management and development in a collaborative workspace. Direct their own learning, plan and carry out investigations, and become independent learners
5.6. Ethical understanding
5.6.1. Understand and apply ethical and socially responsible principals when collaborating with others and creating, sharing and using technologies
5.7. Intercultural understanding
5.7.1. consider how technologies are used in diverse communities at local, national, regional and global levels, including the impact and potential to transform people's lives
6. Achievement Standards - Bands of year levels (ACARA) Year levels (SCSA)
6.1. Foundation - Year 2
6.1.1. Technologies curriculum builds on EYLF key learning outcomes
6.1.2. Opportunities to learn through purposeful and directed play to develop attitudes of care about places and resources
6.1.3. Identify relationships between imagined and virtual worlds, people and products, and resources and environments
6.1.4. Explore materials, tools and equipment and use drawing and modelling to communicate design ideas
6.1.5. Learn about and experience connections between technologies and the designed world (design thinking)
6.1.6. Learn importance of preparing precise instructions when solving problems using digital systems (computational thinking), creating ideas and information and sharing online with known people
6.1.7. Create imaginary situations in which they change the meaning of objects and actions as they invent new ideas and engage in futures thinking.
6.1.8. Explore real-world concepts, rules and events as they role-play what is familiar and of interest to them
6.2. Years 3 - 6
6.2.1. Draw on growing experience of family, school and the wider community to develop their understanding of the world and relationships with others
6.2.2. Thought processes become more complex and consistent, gradually becoming more independent
6.2.3. Develop capacity to work in teams. A sense of social, ethical and environmental responsibility and are interested and concerned about the future (systems thinking)
6.2.4. Share changes in their thinking and making, giving reasons for their actions and explaining and demonstrating their organisation and sequence of ideas
6.2.5. Recognise and appreciate ways in which others think and respond to problems and situations, including those with a regional perspective
6.2.6. Respond resourcefully to a range of design and computing problems and situations using creative and innovative ideas to realise solutions
6.2.7. They communicate and record their ideas in diagrams and drawings using a range of technologies
6.2.8. They explain main functions of their solutions and the systems, materials, tools and equipment which could be used
6.2.9. Learning in Technologies occurs through intergrated curriculum and Technologies subject-specific approaches
6.3. Years 7 - 10
6.3.1. Begin to question established community conventions, practices and values. Their interests extend well beyond their own communities and they develop their concerns about wider social, ethical and sustainability issues
6.3.2. They increasingly look for and value learning they perceive as relevant, consistent with personal goals, and leading to important outcomes
6.3.3. Increasingly they analyse and work with more abstract concepts, consider the implications of individual and community actions and are keen to examine evidence prior to developing ideas
6.3.4. Students use technologies knowledge and understanding; technologies processes and production skills; and systems, design and/or computational thinking to solve and produce creative solutions to problems, needs or opportunities
6.3.5. They communicate and record their ideas using a range of media and technologies.
6.3.6. These specialised problem-solving activities will be sophisticated, ackowledge the complexities of contemporary life and may make connections to related specialised occupations and further study
6.3.7. Develop global perspective; have opportunities to understand complex interdependencies involved in the development of technologies and between the developer and user in their solutions, and how these can contribute to preferred futures
6.3.8. Develop an understanding of the interdependence of technologies development, values, beliefs and environment (systems thinking). Through undertaking technologies processes students develop systems, design and computational thinking; and organisational and project management skills
7. Student Diversity
7.1. Students with disability
7.1.1. necessary adjustments to the teaching and means of demonstrating learning
7.2. English as an additional language or dialect
7.2.1. May require additional time and support
7.3. Gifted and Talented students
7.3.1. provide opportunities to work with learning area content in more breadth and depth