irregular verbs

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irregular verbs por Mind Map: irregular verbs

1. -ught

1.1. think , thought

1.1.1. Text book, exercises 34, 35, 36, 37

1.2. bring , brought

1.3. buy , bought

2. the same word

2.1. cost

2.1.1. New vocabulary

2.2. shut

2.3. put

2.4. cut

2.5. let

3. a , u

3.1. drink , drank

3.2. sing , sang

3.3. sink , sank

4. -o

4.1. speak , spoke

4.1.1. Joseph Conrad "Heart of Darkness"

4.2. break , broke

4.3. steal , stole

5. consonant + t

5.1. send , sent

5.1.1. Midterm

5.2. build , built

5.3. spend , spent