A3 Hoisting, Lifting and Rigging
by Glen Gatin
1. Objectives
1.1. 1. Define terminology associated with hoisting, lifting and rigging.
1.2. 2. Identify hazards and describe safe work practices pertaining to hoisting, lifting and rigging.
1.3. 3. Identify codes and regulations pertaining to hoisting, lifting and rigging.
1.4. 4. Identify types of rigging equipment and accessories and describe their limitations, applications and procedures for use.
1.5. 5. Identify types of hoisting and lifting equipment and accessories and describe their applications and procedures for use.
1.6. 6. Describe the procedures used to inspect, maintain and store hoisting, lifting and rigging equipment.
1.7. 7. Identify types of knots, hitches and bends and describe their applications and the procedures used to tie them.
1.8. 8. Describe the procedures used to rig material/equipment for lifting.
1.9. 9. Describe the procedures used to ensure the work area is safe for lifting.
1.9.1. supervision of lift
1.9.2. securing work area
1.9.3. communication
1.10. 10. Identify and describe procedures used to communicate during hoisting, lifting and rigging operations.
1.10.1. hand signals
1.10.2. electronic communications
1.10.3. audible/visual
1.11. 11. Explain sling angle when preparing for hoisting and lifting operations.
1.12. 12. Identify the factors to consider when selecting rigging equipment.
1.12.1. load characteristics
1.12.2. environment
1.12.3. safety factor
1.13. 13. Describe the procedures used for attaching rigging equipment to the load.
1.14. 14. Describe the procedures used to perform a lift.
1.14.1. load determination
1.14.2. communication methods
1.14.3. pre-lift checks
1.14.4. placement of load
1.14.5. post-lift inspection
1.15. 15. Demonstrate the procedures used to perform hoisting and lifting operations.
1.16. 16. Demonstrate calculations required when performing hoisting and lifting operations.
2. Assessment
2.1. Pretest
2.2. Post-test
2.2.1. Practical
2.2.2. Written