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Week1-Week6 により Mind Map: Week1-Week6

1. Other

1.1. Twitter

1.1.1. Used a little bit, not my thing though.

1.2. Social Bookmarking

1.2.1. Not for me, I like to read it as I find it, then forget it.

2. Blogging

2.1. http://treygeorge.wordpress.com/2011/02/07/annotation-of-required-readings/ Online Notes!

2.2. http://treygeorge.wordpress.com/2011/01/30/bloggings-effect-on-technology/ What does blogging have to do with me?

2.3. http://treygeorge.wordpress.com/2011/01/14/changing-blog-appearance-wordpress/ Creating content for others.

3. Wikis

3.1. http://erhetoric.org/WeblogsAndWikis/TheCompleteGuideToWikis A collaborative project that I started

4. Looking Forward

4.1. More Wikis

4.1.1. New/Independent Wiki Project?

4.2. More Blogging

4.2.1. Continue to Annotate and Post Reading

4.3. Improved Commenting

4.3.1. Share My Thoughts on the Work of Others