Compassionate Marketing

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Compassionate Marketing by Mind Map: Compassionate Marketing

1. Other Notes

1.1. How to meet one's basic needs?

1.1.1. See what others keep saying "you should do this" (what is it?)

1.1.2. What have you kept thinking maybe you should do for money?

1.1.3. Also see Compassionate Marketing -- it is a model to meet one's needs.

1.1.4. It's ok to get a job. Don't limit yourself -- you may be able to create more impact and express your gifts more within an organization you don't own.

1.2. Make your coaching/teaching truly effective

2. Compassionate Social Media

2.1. Care Abundantly

2.1.1. Create lists of those who depend on you for love Family, Friends, (top) Clients and partners

2.1.2. Daily (or as often as you can) filter your news feed / stream by those lists and like + comment encouragingly

2.1.3. Why Creates ripples of gratitude Golden Rule

2.2. Post Sparingly

2.2.1. Why The news feed or home stream is a stage -- share the stage with others... Keeps your profile timeline clean: only the best postings

2.2.2. How Test the idea in the most relevant community Make sure it's a large G+ comm where people probably aren't subscribed, but only those most interested are likely being notified or monitoring. Before posting in a community, first scan and help with or appreciate 2 postings first. Also include hashtags so it's findable by those who care about a topic G+ comm from "To Share" document, or simultaneously from idea Why Post the best (that you've tested for at least a few days) to your profile timeline and blog. 1. Go to your To Share spreadsheet and sort by date logged... share something that from 2+ weeks ago. Or 2. Filter #ToShare and #ToPost and share the best items using to all networks. Post it also on your Blog e.g. wordpress Have a page on your blog where you share that your views are open to changing. By doing this you feel more courageous to share your thoughts. You don't feel you need to defend a particular point of view but rather, you are open to learning something you don't currently know. You thereby encourage comments from others that can help you learn & grow. Simple Blog List your top 10 fave posts List your audience's top 10 faves Limit the # of links within articles...causes anxiety. Links mostly at the end if they want to read more. Make it easy for people to bookmark or email to themselves so they remember to read this. Other effective outreach ways Comment relevantly and usefully on popular Youtube videos that interest you

3. Simplified

3.1. Less offers, more offering from the heart.

3.2. Less focus on conversions, more genuine connection.

3.3. Less limiters, more experiments in compassion.

3.4. Less savvy, more vulnerability & authenticity. (remember the recent email blast about your own change)

3.5. Less polish, more in-the-moment sharing.

3.6. Less copywriting, more simplicity in service.

4. Compassionate Marketing

4.1. Remember: what you focus on, expands. Shift your mind from your need, and steep your heart in your love for those you are meant to serve.

4.1.1. Monetize everything? Consider this instead: What do you optimize your marketing for? Goodwill. Service. Karma. Blessing.

4.2. The levels of access

4.2.1. Why Because our time is limited: be clear about modeling work-life balance Because if people really wanted it they will pay money for it or do barter or raise money Yes some people start out advantaged, with family money or great luck, but it is not our place to judge why someone has money. It may be that they worked hard for it, and choose to spend it on our services.

4.2.2. Have lots of helpful things for those who cannot afford. Why Testing ideas Audience building Search engine What I want to see more in the world Formats Google hangouts on air ==> to YouTube Just check out our posts on G+ ...give them link to search that pulls up only our posts with a certain hash tag.

4.2.3. If people have questions Private forum which you spend X hours per week answering. X hours per week live Q&A for members. The more members or the more the members have questions, the more time you'll spend.

4.2.4. If people want customized plan or private attention 1-1 session 1-1 package Comes with group access as well.

4.3. At every level be clear of the other levels of access.

4.3.1. To address those who cannot afford it

4.3.2. And those who cannot afford the time to wade through lots of content

4.3.3. And those who need more private consultation

4.3.4. Not being clear at each level about the differing levels of access is why some offers seem uncompassionate, or audiences don't know how to get more help.

4.4. Suggest different ways to pay

4.4.1. Use our free content as a gift to you

4.4.2. Single pay helps us with business cash flow so we give discount

4.4.3. Payment plan

4.4.4. Barter program Must apply: keep it concise. Limited spots

4.4.5. Easily allow them to raise money Should be some crowdfunding that makes it a few clicks to auto-create a filled in campaign Indiegogo GoFundMe Kickstarter Or create email template for them to use

4.5. Explain why we charge for more access

4.5.1. We give freely of our content because it's very scalable without us needing to invest additional time / energy

4.5.2. Moving from making money to making money for what? What’s the money for?

4.5.3. However, when it comes to answering questions, that requires time/energy and that is only scalable to a certain group size, hence we limit that group size by a fee, or via our other payment methods such as limited spots for bartering. also check out the blog post by AdvancedRiskology about pricing

4.5.4. In other words: self-compassion... recognizing limitations in time/energy and where that time/energy should go to create a true livelihood.

4.5.5. Collaborative Pricing Before the sale Another way is to work with your audience to determine the price -- perhaps even before the product has been created. After the sale Pay what you can / want

4.6. Transparency

4.6.1. Authenticity has no agenda.

4.6.2. No ulterior motives

4.6.3. Be clear with audience who this product / service is best for,and who it's not -- because they don't know it-- we know it.

4.7. Give audience the opportunity to show compassion by supporting the service provider

4.7.1. Sharing the website / article People share stuff on social media not only because they want to help, but because they want to be seen as helpful by their friends.

4.7.2. Commenting on it

4.7.3. Donating

4.7.4. Enrolling in a paid service

4.7.5. Why: Many feel the need to reciprocate after they've gotten value from you. If you make it easier for them to reciprocate, they feel good about giving back. If they don't reciprocate, they lose an opportunity to be kind... ...and a subtle callousness may even be strengthened; they may get more and more used to a pattern of freeloading without giving back. So you could have a subtle line at the end of a blog post with "If you appreciated this post, you can simply give back by sharing it forward." [with a link or two to share it on Facebook, Twitter, etc.]

4.8. The "enrollment" part of Compassionate Marketing

4.8.1. The "marketing" part of Compassionate Marketing … making it easier for people to enroll. Removing barriers / friction

4.8.2. Have others market you The easiest way to market yourself is to not market yourself Have a colleague introduce you on a webinar, or via email, or on a video (use Google Hangouts on Air)

4.8.3. Improve how engaging your content & delivery is Short videos conveying 1 powerful idea Infographics Occasional long live video with community chat YouTube love events with chat comments directly feeding into YouTube comments Instructional design Entertainment & Delight How you like to be entertained, delighted in marketing, do unto others! Adventure

4.8.4. The description of the product: Does it directly address what people are asking for? video footage of product / service/ event / membership site

4.8.5. The process of enrollment: How many ways can they enroll? Make it easy. Does the technology meet where people are at, what they use? Are you diagnosing their problem in a way that builds trust? The better you understand them, the problem, and the effective solution, the more you can really diagnose them, and therefore the more they will have right trust in you. Are we being conscious & compassionate of their fears of change? Anything that pulls them out of their comfort zone, creates resistance. So, we need to soothe their natural resistance. Show / demonstrate the first few babysteps of change Testimonials / videos / case studies of people who have taken the first few steps, and that it's fine A peak into the program / product / service / membership site

4.8.6. Social proof: video testimonials people enjoying the product / service

4.8.7. Real Limits: How many spots?

4.8.8. Ease of Referral: Discount for bringing friend?

4.9. Engagement vs. Addiction

4.9.1. On the one hand, marketers feel they need to do little tricks to "get" their audience to engage, e.g. making it easy for them to enroll, etc. Lots of reminders. See the "marketing" part of compassionate marketing.

4.9.2. On the other hand, if they want it bad enough -- if they take responsibility -- they will go through the content no matter how difficult to go through. The more commitment they personally have, the more they will search out the answers.

4.9.3. Perhaps it's finding a balance, a middle way. Have compassion that people are overwhelmed and need some help to engage. Yet, don't spoon feed them so much they end up just eating from a spoon.

4.10. Asking audience for their experience of our marketing

4.10.1. Have audience give feedback on the opt-in process, any suggestions. What opt-in process have they seen out there that they most enjoy/respect?

4.10.2. Interview (over the phone or web video) a few folks on your list

4.11. The results of our marketing

4.11.1. Rather than forcing an outcome, or calling something a failure: Appreciate and Learn. Let the business (and your audience) reveal to you what wants to be created and delivered, rather than bullying your vision onto your ideal audience.

4.11.2. A different relationship to Quantity Rather than More sales, More comments, More likes, More fans, More opt-ins, More conversions... about More authenticity, More appreciation, More learning, More karma?

4.12. Perhaps even consider Uncopyright

4.12.1. Uncopyright (as popularized by Leo Babauta & Steve Pavlina) what about reverse-plagiarism problem: someone copies you, and then later claims you plagiarized... Solution: only publish content where there is an unmoveable timestamp:

4.12.2. Uncopyright vs. Creative Commons

4.13. Brief Summary of Compassionate Marketing

4.13.1. Explain why we charge

4.13.2. Give as much for free as possible, with tiered-pricing for actual scarcity

4.13.3. Give audience limited barter opptys or give them easy ways to raise money for charged services.

4.13.4. Be clear with one's audience about self-compassion and work-life balance, e.g. that you cannot answer all emails for free.

4.13.5. Be clear with audience who this product / service is best for,and who it's not -- because they don't know it-- we know it.

4.13.6. Be inspired by the Amanda Palmer NPR Interview 1. Whatever can be easily given away for free, do it 2. Ask your audience for (financial) support 3. By doing this we experience more humanity, more love, and more true fans

4.14. Sometimes the problem is not the marketing, but the proof

4.14.1. Sometimes it's not the mktg, it's how good the thing is. How can you make it the best in creating a particular result? The taste, and the nutrition. Measure it, then structure the referral engine.

4.14.2. 3 Proofs: Offer is effective people are buying, or enrolling if it's a low-cost / free pilot program Customers are satisfied You are enjoying the work

4.14.3. When you get to the point of being excited about the results you're creating, and for whom your product works best -- then all you need is to talk about *that* ... no longer about selling but about talking w/ the ideal clients and helping them.

4.15. A gradual path to Compassionate Marketing

4.15.1. Move deeper using experiments and track results by 3-month averages. Start experiments beginning of each quarter?

5. Purpose of Life: possible context

5.1. Purpose of Life: Happiness through Growth

5.1.1. Growing toward truer happiness

5.2. The language we use for Purpose and the Questions we ask determines how we find answers for strategy

5.2.1. What language we use affects how we think about strategy, our values, and our results. Instead of asking “How do we not give away the farm; what do we charge?” Ask: “How do we really change people, transform their lives based on our unique genius?"

5.3. Science & Business cannot currently measure doing good without particular ROI...

5.3.1. the logic of Unconditional Love

5.3.2. Karma, both in this life, and as it affects your multiple lives

5.3.3. The spirit world, and our action's impact on the spirit world

5.3.4. The energy fields that our thoughts and actions affect -- the ripple effects that are far wider than we can currently measure... thereby affecting lives here (and to come) that we don't even know.

5.3.5. short, invisible (even heart-based) benefits of doing Good without expecting a particular ROI.

5.3.6. ...and yet, these invisible benefits (in health, in spirit, others currently living, and in realms beyond our current understanding) may be far more important than benefits we can measure in this life.

5.4. Core Virtues to Practice

5.4.1. Gratitude

5.4.2. Courage

5.4.3. Humility

5.4.4. Kindness

5.4.5. Acceptance

5.4.6. Trust

5.4.7. Excellence

5.4.8. Simplicity

5.4.9. Joy

5.4.10. others...

5.5. GK's 5 principles / 5 fingers

5.5.1. No Craving; No Aversion Excellence & Joy, Gratitude & Trust, in every moment, whatever life brings us. When you encounter discomfort or difficulty: don't close yourself from it. Remain open and accepting.

5.5.2. The 3 Eternal Truths You are completely enveloped by Love. You are known by name, prayed for by name, supported, protected, guided, uplifted, beyond what you can imagine. All the time. Everyday. Every minute. What you truly need, you will always have. Everything will turn out amazingly well for everyone. Every moment is an opportunity, a gift, to practice a little bit of virtue -- and each time you do, the ripple effects are far greater than meets the eye.

5.5.3. The 3 Accumulations (alternative to money, fame, pleasure) Better habits Energy management & spiritual presence Unconditional love When someone doesn't treat you fairly, don't worry about justice. See it as another opportunity for unconditional love. Consider the idea of "spiritual profit". More sustainability structures/acts

5.5.4. The 3 Liberations Liberation from Time / Deadlines. Instead, take a moment and be aware that you are in Eternity. "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well..." Liberation from Quantity. How many audience members / how many are reached. How many sales. How many "likes" and +1's and comments. Liberation from Method. Whether something happens in a way that I had planned to do it. Instead of thinking something didn't go well when it went differently, appreciate and learn.

5.5.5. GOD Gratitude Openness Doing Something Positive

6. Truer Marketing

6.1. Why "truer" marketing

6.1.1. Authentic or conscious marketing suggests end point and no additional growth.

6.1.2. A word that builds in the idea that it is a process. A never ending spiral (up to heaven.)

6.1.3. Authenticer marketing didn't sound so good, thus truer marketing :)

6.2. No condemnation, even as we evaluate behavior

6.2.1. Every person is on their own journey and I believe that where they are is often where they need to be (rather than trying to copy someone else's journey) .... so what I have written in this mindmap expresses my current ideals.

6.2.2. It is no judgment to others who don't follow *my* ideals, and neither is it a judgment of myself, as I am working towards them gradually... hence "ideals" :)

6.3. What you focus on, expands:

6.3.1. Your need, or your Love for the people you're here to serve? Both, but choose one primary focus.

6.4. Beyond Speed

6.4.1. To Timelessness/Eternity

6.5. Beyond Quantity

6.5.1. To Quality of Love and Caring

6.5.2. To Mindfulness or True Quality

6.5.3. No Need. No more "Please do me a favor and fill this out." Perhaps "If you found this article of value, consider filling this out..."

6.6. Beyond Recognition

6.6.1. To Recognizing that you are already loved, supported, protected, uplifted way beyond your current understanding

6.6.2. It doesn't matter if others adopt it. Adopt it for your self if your highest guidance calls you to. Be the change you wish to see. While loving others for where they perfectly are!

6.6.3. However, do recognize others. Be clear about your influences/inspirations. Others will appreciate this.

6.7. What does this product/service actually do, and for what audiences?

6.7.1. What difference does the product/service actually make to most of its customers who use it?

6.7.2. And what audiences shouldn't buy this product or historically hasn't benefitted from it? e.g. if not willing to commit X hours per week to the program e.g. if you already understand the following... [major "punchlines" of the program in bullet point format] ...then you probably don't need this program e.g. If you haven't already done ... or reached ... stage, this product probably serve you well at the current time.

6.8. The ends does not justify the means

6.8.1. When we say "do what we can to enroll them, then we can change their lives" we are making the means justify the ends.

6.8.2. We are manipulating them because we think we know what's best for them.

6.9. Awareness of temptations

6.9.1. Money, though a neutral tool, can have a corrupting influence on human beings At least, our culture tends to overemphasize it as the measure of success. A friend of mine said it well:

6.9.2. Similarly: fame, security, pleasure

6.9.3. Therefore, awareness gives us more conscious choice to keep on a path toward our highest good.

6.10. Awareness of Manipulation / Transitioning to a more caring mode of relating. Core shift from trying to 'get the sale' to 'trying to establish the truth of if there's a fit'

6.10.1. Scarcity Instead: to Real Physical or Temporal Limitation

6.10.2. Appealing to their greed

6.10.3. Selling them on unlikely dreams

6.10.4. Fear of Loss "If you sign up today you'll get $1,000 off..." Disappearing bonuses Using the fact of a class starting to pressure people into purchasing. Instead, simply make them aware of the fact. Being left behind the bandwagon "There are only a few spots left!"

6.10.5. Fake Exclusivity It's typically X dollars; but for those of you who are on this webinar, it's ____. Subject lines: personal invitation hope to see you soon Exclusive Webinar Replay ... Your webinar is starting soon...

6.10.6. Psychological pricing $7.99 = $8.00 $97 = $100 $2,299 = $2,300

6.10.7. Hyped up Value My checklist is worth ... $497! The truth is that you can buy Books that have awesome checklists for $20 ... look on Amazon first!

6.10.8. Emhpasis on Status Platinum Gold Especially if continuing to mention it during the program, trying to incentivize people to upgrade but really just making most people feel badly if they do not...

6.10.9. Overpromising "You're About to Discover the 7-Step System for Overcoming Obstacles and Negative Mindsets so You Can FINALLY Create Your Perfect Life Based in Clarity, Intention, and Meaning… (and Become Truly Unstoppable!)" WARNING: Don't bother watching this video unless you're serious about letting go of excuses and erasing the word "stuck" from your vocabulary once and for all!)

6.10.10. Hype and "volume" of voice "GET IT FREE!" Ebook covers

6.10.11. Hidden Motives

6.10.12. Double meanings "Help Needed!" ad by famous internet marketer. When you click on it, you have to opt-in, then you "help" them out by answering some questions to help with their next product launch..

6.10.13. False Personalization "Dearest [First Name]," "Your" ___ call/webinar is today... It's not just "yours" by the way it's also for the 300 people who signed up :)

6.10.14. Appealing to the Lizard Brain Let us trust in -- and appeal to -- people's higher brains, higher selves. Give them a chance to have *that* come through more often!

6.10.15. "You're leaving money on the table!" Don't let any business/marketing coach -- including me :) -- manipulate you onto a path using this idea!

6.11. Instead, build trust through your marketing

6.11.1. Seth Godin's advice

6.12. Beyond getting people to buy

6.12.1. Spending the money is the easy part

6.12.2. "Statistically the more people invest monetarily, the more they're going to take it seriously, do the work, get the results." Has not been true for George Kao, Tomar Levine, and many more people... We have read free blog posts and heard free podcasts, free audios, free e-books ... that have added huge value to our lives.

6.13. Beyond "sustainability"

6.13.1. We don't want to just sustain what our desires are ... but rather, continually adapt to what Truth is asking of us.

6.13.2. Willingness to let go; openness to what the world is really needing from us, and delivering that.

6.14. Collective Productivity

6.14.1. Rather than just "personal" productivity

6.14.2. Let's do things that benefit all, not just ourselves. "3rd Stage Relationships"

6.14.3. How to view Competition We want them to emulate the best of what we do... because we want to see more of it in the world

6.15. What we focus on, grows

6.15.1. Are we focusing on the lizard-brain part of our audience, or the higher parts of themselves? Do we feel we need to "manipulate" them into action, into buying, into taking the next step? Interruption Marketing We cannot manipulate "for good" -- the ends never justifies the means because there are no ends...only means.

6.15.2. Are we looking at our audience as lazy, disorganized people? Therefore they need to be subtly coerced into doing something? Pop-up's for opting in Even the idea of must opt-in to get content so we can keep in touch with them, rather than trusting them to come back at the right time.

6.15.3. Or do we trust them to access / organize information the way they need / want to?

6.15.4. The Influence / Entertainment dichotomy We all enjoy being entertained. Therefore do unto others -- make our content more entertaining (therefore, engaging) as well. Few of us enjoy being strategically manipulated/influenced. Therefore, don't do that to others either.

6.15.5. Summary: Make our content & offers more Fun, Enjoyable, Truthful.

6.16. How we make money:

6.16.1. Do what you love... ...that the market needs... ...and get results & share the stories of the results.. ...and the money will follow.

6.16.2. Apply the Compassionate Marketing Tiered Access model.

6.16.3. Truer Affiliate Marketing 3 ways to be compensated Money Recognition (leaderboard) Karma (!) "You can mix the 3, or just choose 1 or 2... your choice :) "

7. Promise, Proof Pricing

7.1. Courtesy of Andrea J. Lee and A Conscious Consortium

7.2. Promise

7.2.1. Promise all the way up and down the business process.

7.2.2. In your marketing, ask "Can you really promise that with the language?"

7.3. Proof is working with people and having them measure results.

7.4. Pricing

7.4.1. Pilot programs -- let audience know it's a pilot test, and price it lower

7.4.2. Price from "bottom up" -- meaning, have lower price items to prove the effectiveness of your solution (or parto f your oslution) then go upwards in price and service, as proof builds

8. Golden Rule Marketing

8.1. Another way of being authentic and true in marketing is to follow the Golden Rule

8.1.1. Look at the marketing you respect & trust -- and emulate that emails you read & respect (and forward on!)

8.1.2. Look at the marketing you *don't* trust/respect, and describe why, and don't do that

8.2. And to follow the Kantian Imperative

8.2.1. Is what I'm about to do an activity that I wish everyone in my position would do?

8.3. Be the Change You Wish To See

8.3.1. When have you said to yourself, "I wish ALL businesses in my industry would do _____!" Do that!

9. Inspirations

9.1. Derek Sivers

9.1.1. Read these 2 blog posts: Sharing Trust

9.2. Bharat Mitra

9.2.1. Founder of Organic India (very successful healthy foods company) and UPLIFT festival Organic India's "Earth Seer" values UPLIFT

9.3. Amanda Palmer

9.3.1. listen to her 18-minute TED radio hour interview

9.4. Leo Babauta

9.4.1. Uncopyright

9.4.2. Why no affiliates

9.4.3. Confidence in your business:

9.4.4. Lower pricing

9.5. Seth Godin

9.5.1. Better Than Free

9.6. Mindvalley Insights

9.6.1. They are apparently opening up their business practices for the world to see and benefit from... although they're still too close to manipulative marketing for my taste...

9.7. Spiritual Traditions

9.7.1. Buddhism's "Right Livelihood" Work honestly, without trickery or deceit From the classic book "The Buddha's Golden Path" "All honor to the man or woman who chooses humble employment and narrow circumstances because with them he can be honest with himself.” (see attached note for the context) “What after all are the temporary riches and indulgences that the world has to offer when compared with the enduring values of insight and joy and peace ....”

9.7.2. Christian "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." (Philippians 4:8) "Sweet is the sleep of a laborer, whether he eats little or much, but the full stomach of the rich will not let him sleep." (Ecclesiastes 5:12) "It is better to be poor than a liar." (Proverbs 19:22) "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)

9.7.3. Reiki's 5 Precepts Just for today: I will let go of anger I will let go of worry I will count my many blessings I will do my work honestly I will be kind to every living thing

9.7.4. Native American In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations. --Iroquois Maxim Quote by Billy Mills, Oglala Lakota

9.8. Other influences

9.8.1. Tom Shadyac's "Life Operating Manual"

9.8.2. "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight" by Thom Hartmann

9.8.3. The Three Treasures (Taoism)

9.8.4. Right Livelihood (Buddhism) "Many a person employed in a respectable calling finds themselves exposed to some particular temptation: a little deception, a little shutting of the eyes, a little injustice or hardness of heart, and the road to quicker profits is assured. Perhaps the urge comes from one's employer, or one's spouse, or one's friend. [Or one's JV partners!] All honor to the man or woman who chooses humble employment and narrow circumstances because with them he can be honest with himself." --Dwight Goddard, from the book "The Buddha's Golden Path"

9.8.5. Chico Xavier