Physical Education

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Physical Education von Mind Map: Physical Education

1. Health Class Semester 1

1.1. Problems in high school(acting)

2. Sports Semester 1

2.1. Volleyball

2.2. Badminton

2.3. Fitness training

3. Health Class Semester 2

3.1. Healthy Body

3.1.1. Sleep 8-9 hours of sleep daily keeps the body healthy

3.1.2. Nutrition Maintain a balanced diet to have a healthy body

3.1.3. Exercise Exercise to stay healthy and fit

3.1.4. Stress Reduce the amount of stress for stress reduces sleep

3.1.5. Mentality Produce a healthy Mentality

4. Sports Semester 2

4.1. Rugby

4.1.1. Passing backwards

4.1.2. Creating successful and well maneuvered plays

4.1.3. Scoring touchdowns

4.1.4. Teamwork

4.2. Flag Football

4.2.1. Passing the ball

4.2.2. Creating strategies

4.2.3. Scoring touchdowns

4.3. Swimming

4.3.1. Backstroke

4.3.2. Breaststroke

4.3.3. Frontstroke

5. Teacher

5.1. Mr.Assimakopolous