World History
by Amin Hosseini

1. World War I
1.1. Allies
1.1.1. France
1.1.2. Britain
1.1.3. Russai
1.1.4. Germany
1.1.5. US
1.2. They all againts Germany
2. Industrial revelution
2.1. New machine
2.2. New Technology
2.3. Letter assignment
2.4. New inventions and inventors in Europe
3. Cold war
3.1. Siviet union and America
3.2. Arms race
3.3. Ended when ussr collapsed
4. World War II
4.1. Hitler
4.1.1. Germany
4.1.2. Hated jews and killed them and his thing jew shouldn'r be on the earth.
4.2. Countries Involved
4.2.1. Japan
4.2.2. France
4.2.3. Germany
4.2.4. United States
4.2.5. Britain
4.2.6. Russia
4.2.7. Italy