1. Privacy Act of 1974
1.1. Allows citizens to know what information is being collected about them.
1.1.1. Healthcare professionals can sit down and review a patient's chart with them Patients develop trust with their providers
1.2. Regulation on who accesses patient information
1.2.1. Interfacing between individuals who are allowed to have access to patient's health record All parties able to see all data to be more knowledgeable when providing care
1.3. Allows citizens to verify information in echarts
1.3.1. Healthcare providers can keep updated information through echart communication Patients are able to have direct access to health records.
2.1. Breech Notifications
2.1.1. Allow users to know exactly when an attack on the system is made Patients' private health information protected
2.2. 50,000 new jobs created
2.2.1. Encourage patients to look for opportunities when discharged New jobs mean bettter health insurance benefits for improved maintenance health care
2.3. Enhanced HIPPA enforcement
2.3.1. Meaningful use of EHR by all professionals Confidential information only known by healthcare team members.
3. Affordable Care Act
3.1. Lower healthcare costs for citizens
3.1.1. More care provided for follow up appointments Patients more forthcoming with acute health issues
3.2. More coverage available for citizens
3.2.1. More patients being seen for primary care which can allow integration between hospitals and physician offices. Improved patient outcomes
3.3. Curb growth of healthcare spending
3.3.1. More procedures performed being covered by insurance Less citizens in debt from healthcare costs