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Security により Mind Map: Security

1. Children

1.1. -Lie when they open an account on social media (age)

1.2. -Spend a lot of time on technological devices

1.3. -Their communication is mainly based on social media

1.4. - Distort information and misinterpret it.

1.5. -Exposed any kind of personal information

1.6. -Able to chat with strangers

2. Danger

2.1. -Cyberbullying -Access to inappropriate content -Dangerous communities online -Trafficking -Grooming -Crime victims (Kidnapping, abuse, among others) -Phishing -Lack of data control

3. Drepression

3.1. -Low self-esteem

3.2. -Social isolation

3.3. -Aggressiveness

3.4. -Sadness

3.5. -Death-suicide

3.6. -Selfconcept

4. School

4.1. - Lack of civism

4.2. -Unmotivated students

4.3. -Disinterest

4.4. -Bulliyng

4.5. -Apathy

4.6. -Wrong and incomplete information

5. Family

5.1. -Lack of parental control in the devices

5.2. -Lack of supervision and support

5.3. -Lack of communication (parents-son)

5.4. -Ignorance of multiple types of social media

6. Privacy

6.1. -Prone to publish more sensitive information, such as photos, location.

6.2. -Contact with strangers

6.3. -Privacy not properly configured -Authentication -Integrity -Identity theft -Hackers

7. Social media

7.1. -Misuse of social networks