1. Engestrom
1.1. think about how it fits in with this...
2. link
2.1. diigo
3. definition
3.1. acquisition metaphor
3.1.1. act of gaining knowledge
3.1.2. gradual reception
3.1.3. aquisition by development
3.1.4. knowledge construction
3.1.5. all imply gaining ownership
3.2. participation mataphor
3.2.1. refs The new researcher talks about learning as a legitimate peripheral participation (Lave & Wenger, 1991) apprenticeship in thinking (Rogoff, 1990).
3.2.2. states are replaced with attention to activities.
3.2.3. you become a member of a certain community "Just as different organs combine to form a living body, so do learners contribute to the existence and functioning of a community of practitioners." Sfard focus on evolving bonds between learner and community
3.2.4. acquisition is tantamount to becoming a participant.
3.3. fundamental issue with definition of learning - nothing to do with social / individual axis
3.3.1. this rests on a differing mechanism of learning
3.3.2. while the AM/ PM debate rests on a differign vision of what learning is.