cloud providers / platforms (big names)

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cloud providers / platforms (big names) by Mind Map: cloud providers / platforms (big names)

1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

1.1. scalable computing on demand

1.1.1. Compute Engine

1.2. computing processes for web and mobile apps

1.2.1. Google App Engine

1.3. software containers with Docker,

1.3.1. Container Engine and Container Registry.

1.4. Storage

1.4.1. Cloud Storage

1.4.2. Archiving Cloud Storage Nearline

1.5. Locations

1.6. big data

1.7. Networking

1.7.1. domain name system (DNS)

1.7.2. load balancing

1.7.3. virtual private network (VPN)

1.8. Databases

1.8.1. SQL

1.8.2. NoSQL

1.8.3. cache

2. and even more criteria

2.1. Developers tools

2.2. Security

2.3. identity

2.4. disaster recovery

3. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

3.1. scalable computing on demand

3.1.1. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

3.2. computing processes for web and mobile apps

3.2.1. AWS Elastic Beanstalk

3.3. software containers with Docker,

3.3.1. EC2 Container Service (ECS) and EC2 Container Registry (ECR);

3.4. Storage

3.4.1. Simple Storage Service (S3)

3.4.2. Archiving Glacier

3.5. Locations

3.6. big data

3.7. Networking

3.7.1. domain name system (DNS)

3.7.2. load balancing

3.7.3. virtual private network (VPN)

3.8. Databases

3.8.1. SQL

3.8.2. NoSQL

3.8.3. cache

4. Microsoft Azure

4.1. scalable computing on demand

4.1.1. Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Scale Sets

4.2. software containers with Docker,

4.2.1. Container Service

4.3. Storage

4.3.1. Azure Storage

4.3.2. Archiving Azure Backup

4.4. Locations

4.5. big data

4.6. Networking

4.6.1. domain name system (DNS)

4.6.2. load balancing

4.6.3. virtual private network (VPN)

4.7. Databases

4.7.1. SQL

4.7.2. NoSQL

4.7.3. cache