Business Document Project

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Business Document Project da Mind Map: Business Document Project

1. Standards & ESLRs

1.1. 1.0 Artistic Perception

1.2. 2.0 Creative Expression

1.3. 3.0 Historical and Cultural Context

1.4. 4.0 Aesthetic Valuing

1.5. 5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications

1.6. ESLRs

2. Project Directions

3. Information & Resources

3.1. Typography

3.2. How to Create PDF Presentation

3.3. Video Tutorials

3.3.1. Set Guides in In Design

3.4. Print Design Principles

3.5. InDesign

3.5.1. Preparing File for Printing in InDesign

3.5.2. How to Set Up a Document

3.5.3. Using Guides

3.5.4. Using Type Tool

4. Letterhead& Envelope

4.1. Research

4.2. Analyze & Redesign

5. Business Card

5.1. Research

5.2. Analyze & Redesign