1. Motivational Quotes
1.1. This quote page will include quotes on making life a little better from both anonymous and famous sayings to help keep people interested.
1.1.1. Graphic Design: I can graphically design with Canva Design a poster either emulating a poster for an event or a business card with contact info for our website. It may include quotes from this page.
1.1.2. Social Media: My website will be connected to social media like Facebook and Instagram that gives daily tips on less stress, and pictures that include activities and are easy to look at.
2. Relatable
2.1. The relatable page will include stories and comments about others who have found ways to balance their life and made their life a little less stressful.
2.1.1. Google Form: This will be used to collect stories and moments about how they've used these tips or suggestions to add to the site.
2.1.2. Digital Video: This video will interview college students about their stress, and help others see we are similar in the fact we all deal with stress.
3. Contact
3.1. I will include my contact info such as my email and you will be able to ask questions to get responses.
3.1.1. Screencast presentation: I will design a screencast on how to use the website to best improve the stress levels in your life.
4. Less Stress Life Tagline: Helping people make their life a little better each day with simple steps that lead to a life less stressed.
5. About
5.1. The about page will include some info about me, and also explain why I wanted to make the site.
5.1.1. Digital Photo Editing: I will use a that is edited of me to describe the writer of the website further.
6. Home
6.1. The home page will have tabs to take you to all the different pages. It will also explain how this website could help improve stress levels, as well as pictures.
6.1.1. Logos: Since this is the home site I will make a logo that seen as soon as the sight opens, and makes an impression.
6.1.2. QR: The QR code will be created to be taken with a picture on your phone and then will lead directly to our home page of the site.
7. Health
7.1. The health page will include tips on exercise, eating right, and other ways on how it will improve your stress.
7.1.1. Inforgrahpic: I will include an infographic that shows off data and statistics about the improvement of a healthy lifestyle and how it may lead to life with less stress.
8. Lifestyle
8.1. The lifestyle page will be more tips on organization, remaking life to be more enjoyable, and working on relationships through life to maximize a stress free lifestyle.
8.1.1. App Prototype: I will make an app and include it here that will be able to make your life more organized, thus less stressful. I'm thinking kind of like an online daily log or journal.