Electrical conduction of the cardiac system. http://www.pcrm.org/sites/default/files/heart-diseas...

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Electrical conduction of the cardiac system. http://www.pcrm.org/sites/default/files/heart-disease-model.png by Mind Map: Electrical conduction of the cardiac system. http://www.pcrm.org/sites/default/files/heart-disease-model.png

1. Normal sinus rhythm.

1.1. Rate 60-100 bpm

1.1.1. P-wave upright. QRS complex narrow

1.2. Treatment- Monitor, position of comfort,O2 considered,Transport considered.

1.2.1. http://www.bem.fi/book/19/fi/1902a.gif

2. Atrial fibrillation.

2.1. Rate 100-175 bpm

2.1.1. P-wave indiscernible QRS complex narrow

2.2. Treatment-Hi Flow O2, cardiac monitor,IV, Cartiziem 20mg, slow IVP, Consider 50 Joules, 100 joules.

2.2.1. Only treat new acute onset of A -FIB. http://www.neheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tachycardia.jpg

3. Atrial Flutter.

3.1. Rate 150 - 300

3.1.1. P - Wave indiscernible QRS complex narrow

3.2. Treatment -Hi flow O2, Cardiac monitor, IV, Cartiziem 20mg, slow IVP, Consider 50 Joules, 100 Joules.

3.2.1. http://www.neheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tachycardia.jpg

4. Atrial Fibrillation with RVR.

4.1. Rate > 100 BPM

4.1.1. P - Wave indiscernible QRS complex narrow

4.2. Treatment Hi Flow O2 Cardiac monitor,IV Cartiziem 20mg,slow IVP, Considered 50 Joules,100 joules.

4.2.1. http://www.neheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tachycardia.jpg

5. Supra ventricular Tachycardia

5.1. Rate150-180 BPM

5.1.1. Inverted P- Wave QRS complex narrow

5.2. Treatment - Hi flow O2, Cardiac monitor, IV, Vagal Maneuver, Adenosine 6mg,12mg,12mg, slow IVP.

5.2.1. http://www.bem.fi/book/19/fi/1902a.gif

6. Ventricular Tachycardia/ pulse

6.1. Rate >130 BPM

6.1.1. P -Wave indiscernible QRS complex wide

6.2. Treatment- CPR considered, Hi Flow O2, Synchronize cardiovert 100 joules, Amioderone 150mg, 1mg/kg Epi 1/10,000 every 3-5 min. CPR cont X2, 100 Joules, Amioderone 150 mg. Think H's and T's.

6.2.1. http://www.neheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tachycardia.jpg

7. V-Tach or V-Fib w/o pulse

7.1. Rhythm disorganized

7.2. Treatment- CPR, Defibrillate 200 joules, Amiorderone, 300mg, 1mg/kg EPI 1/10,000 every 3-5 min.CPR cont X2, Defibrillate 200 joules, Amioderone 150 mg.

7.2.1. http://www.bem.fi/book/19/fi/1902a.gif

8. First Degree Heart Block

8.1. Rate 40-60

8.1.1. P-Wave upright QRS complex normal

8.2. Asymptomatic

8.2.1. Treatment- Hi Flow O2,IV, Consider 0.5 mg Atropine, Consider Transcutaneous pacing. http://www.emedgroup.com/images/ekgs.gif

9. Second Degree Heart Block

9.1. Rate 40-60

9.1.1. P-wave Pro longed QRS complex normal

9.2. Treatment - Hi Flow O2,IV, Considered 0.5 mg Atropine, Consider Transcutaneous pacing.

9.2.1. http://www.emedgroup.com/images/ekgs.gif

10. Third Degree Heart Block

10.1. Rate 20-30

10.1.1. P-wave no correlation to QRS complex QRS complex normal

10.2. Treatment Hi Flow O2, IV, Transcutaneous pace, set rate mili amp mechanical capture,check pulse dopamine drip.

10.2.1. http://www.emedgroup.com/images/ekgs.gif

11. Asystole

11.1. Rate - none

11.2. Treatment- CPR, EPI 1mg/kg 1/10,000 IVP

11.2.1. http://www.neheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/tachycardia.jpg