Effectivness of National Legislation Policies and Supreme Court Decisions

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Effectivness of National Legislation Policies and Supreme Court Decisions by Mind Map: Effectivness of National Legislation Policies and Supreme Court Decisions

1. Voting Rights: NAACP, SNCC, SCLC, 1 Million+

1.1. NAACP: Advancement of Colored People

1.2. SNCC: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

1.3. SCLC: Southern Christian Leadership Conference

1.4. 1 Million+: By 1965-1968 over 1 million African Americans registered to vote.

2. Thesis: National Legislation policies and Supreme Court decisions were effective in promoting civil liberties and equal opportunities.

2.1. New node

3. Civil Rights: Sit-Ins, Boycotts, Freedom riders, Intergration, The March on Washington.

3.1. Sit-Ins: North Carolina University. SNCC-Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

3.2. Boycotts: Montgomery Buses

3.3. Freedom Riders: Began in DC, Alabama, and Mississippi.

3.4. Intergration: Federal Court Order, Riots, Kennedy Admin.

3.5. March On Washington: MLK JR, Johnson-Civil Rights Act of 1964

3.5.1. New node

4. Equal Rights: Women Vs. Men

4.1. NCWO- National Council of Women's Organizations

4.2. Alice Paul

4.2.1. New node

4.3. 1923- Men and women become equal under law.