Aerobic Resperation

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Aerobic Resperation by Mind Map: Aerobic Resperation

1. Celluar Resperation

1.1. Autotrophs

1.1.1. ( is an organism that produces complex organic compounds)

1.2. Hetertrophs

1.2.1. ( is an organism that cannot fix carbon from inorganic sources)

1.2.2. Sugar ( a sweet tasting carbohydrate found in living tissues ) Pyruvic Acid (a yellowish organic acid that occurs as an intermediate in many metabolic processes, especially glycolysis.)

1.3. Glycolysis

1.3.1. ( is the first stage of cellular respiration )

1.3.2. 2 ATP

1.4. Fermentation

1.4.1. ( if no oxygen present )

1.5. Lactic Acid Fermentation

1.5.1. ( an enzyme converts pyretic acid into lactic acid )

1.6. (is the process where cells make ATP by breaking down organic compounds)

2. Mitochondria

2.1. Etc

2.1.1. ( is the second stage of aerobic respiration)

2.2. Kerbs cycle

2.2.1. ( the sequence of reactions by which most living cells generate energy)

2.2.2. 2 ATP

2.3. (an organelle found in large numbers in cells )

2.4. Oxygen

2.4.1. ( is a chemical symbol with O )

3. ( has two major stages: the herbs cycle and the ETC )

4. Photosynthesis

4.1. Light Reaction

4.1.1. ( the reaction that occurs as the first phase of photosynthesis, in which energy in the form of light is absorbed and converted to chemical energy in the form of ATP. )

4.2. Calvin Cycle

4.2.1. ( is the set of chemical reactions that take place in chloroplasts during photosynthesis )

4.3. Sunlight

4.3.1. (is the process through which plants use water and carbon dioxide to create their food, grow and release excess oxygen into the air. )

4.4. ( is the process by which plants use energy )

4.5. Chloroplasts

4.5.1. ( a plastid that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place. )

4.5.2. Thylakoid (each of a number of flattened sacs inside a chloroplast, bounded by pigmented membranes on which the light reactions of photosynthesis take place, and arranged in stacks or grana.) Chlorophyl A & B Chlorphyll A( a green pigment, present in all green plants and in antibacterial, responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis. Its molecule contains a magnesium atom held in a porphyritic ring.) Chlorophyll B ( A yellow-green chlorophyll pigment which occurs only in plants and green algae )

4.5.3. Grana (the stacks of thylakoids embedded in the stroma of a chloroplast ) Carotenoids (any of a class of mainly yellow, orange, or red fat-soluble pigments, including carotene, which give color to plant parts such as ripe tomatoes and autumn leaves )

4.6. Stromata

4.6.1. ( is a tiny opening or pore that is used for gas exchange )

4.7. Visible spectrum

4.7.1. ( is the particle that will let you see the colors that you see in your daily activities )

4.8. Water

4.8.1. ( H2O)

4.9. Hydrogen

4.9.1. ( a coorless and odor less gas )