Fitness with Maddie

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Fitness with Maddie by Mind Map: Fitness with Maddie

1. Recipes

1.1. On this page I will post quick and easy recipes that my viewers can try for themselves

1.1.1. App- here I could use an app to display all the different recipes

2. Workouts

2.1. Here I am going to include different types of workouts and stretches that my viewers could do to stay fit

2.1.1. Video- I plan on making an instructional video that teaches my audience how to do the specific stretches and exercises properly

3. Blog

3.1. This will be some sort of data base where viewers will get to share their personal stories and say what they enjoy about the website

3.1.1. Google Form- I don't know quite yet how exactly I would use this tool. I might use it as a survey so that people can rate what worked and what didn't work for them

4. Tagline: Ensuring a healthy and fit lifestyle

5. Home

5.1. This will be the home page of my website. It will be the most interesting, so that it grabs my audience's attention. It might have bright colors and interesting pictures.

5.1.1. Logo- I'm not exactly sure what my logo will be as of right now. But I know I want it to incorporate something in regards to being healthy and fit

6. About

6.1. This will be a more in depth description of what exactly this website includes. It will explain to them why they would want to learn more about the website and get involved with it.

6.1.1. Infographics- this will be some kind of visual that grabs the viewer's attention. It will show how the website really works

7. Contact

7.1. On this slide, there will be a picture of me along with a brief description of my fitness journey. It will provide contact information so that people can ask any questions they may have

7.1.1. Graphic Design and QR codes- it would be cool here to include some sort of poster or something that displays more about the website.