The Reader's Corner

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The Reader's Corner por Mind Map: The Reader's Corner

1. This page will welcome visitors to the website. Will give a general overview of the website. It will have links to the other pages on it.

1.1. Digital Photo Editing, and Logo: will be placed on this page (It will also be placed on all of the pages.

1.2. Sceencast- will show just a general overview the website and the features

2. Home

3. blog

3.1. This will be the page I use to write my review about books and such.

3.1.1. QR Codes: Will also use this as a way to direct visitors to authors pages or a specific pages that might be related to the post.

4. Tagline: For the love of Books. The purpose of the site is to get teens reading and help them find book that they will like and enjoy.

5. About

5.1. This will give someone more information about myself, why the site was created, and what I hope the site will be come in the future.

5.1.1. Graphic Design w/ QR Code- will make graphic w/ CR code and have it lead right to this page that way people are lead right to the page is about.

5.1.2. Google form- I will use this to help determine what the people visiting the site are reading and what is the purpose behind them reading.

6. Contact

6.1. This will be where visitors can write comment or suggestion about to further improve the site.

6.1.1. App Prototype: I would like to create a phone friendly version of the entire website.

7. Links and Sources

7.1. I would like to put best seller lists on this page. As well as interesting article about a book that was previously mentioned in a post and other interesting resources.

7.1.1. Social Media: link it to popular social media pages about books and articles.

7.1.2. Infographics: I will use this to show what people are reading.

7.1.3. Video/ animation: a animation with 6 facts about reading