Time Factor in E-learning. Doctorate Research Seminar

Romero, M., Anglada, O., Espositio, A., Llorens, F., Sabulsky, G., Vazquez, A., Castro, P., Franco, M., Izquierdo, J.V., Hettiarachchi, E., Quesada, A.V., Medina, J.L. (2011). Collaborative concept map of the litterature review of the Time Factor in E-learning. Time Factor Doctorate Research Seminar. UOC. Available online https://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show/83619114

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Time Factor in E-learning. Doctorate Research Seminar by Mind Map: Time Factor in E-learning. Doctorate Research Seminar

1. Academic Time

1.1. Student Time

1.1.1. (Caldwell, Huitt and Graeber, 1982), (Berliner, 1984) Engaged Time (the time the student spend by learning a topic) Academic Learning Time-ALT (portion of engaged time that students are succesfully engaged)

1.1.2. Allocated time to complete a task The Effects of Adjunct Questions on Learning Text Material: The Time Factor. Mory E. et al. (2007)http://goo.gl/rCx3F

1.1.3. Odaci, H. (2011). Academic self-efficacy and academic procrastination as predictors of problematic internet use in university students. Computers & Education, 57, 119-113.

1.1.4. Student Interaction Time Student-Environment Interaction Student-Materials Interaction Student-Student Interaction Student-Professor Interaction Student-Tutor Interaction

1.2. Teaching Time

1.2.1. Allocated Time (actually spend to learn a topic by the teacher)

1.2.2. Scheduled Time (officialy designated)) Real time versus official time Martinic, S. (1998)

1.3. Institutional Time

1.3.1. Course Duration

1.4. (http://education.calumet.purdue.edu/vockell/edpsybook/edpsy2/edpsy2_intro)

1.5. e-Mentoring/Facilitation Time

1.5.1. Laura L. Bierema and Sharan B. Merriam, 2002

1.6. Time efficiency: institutional asset, self-management skill, planning of teaching and learning processes Serdyukov and Serdyukova (2007)

1.7. Instructional Time

1.7.1. Actual Instructional Time in African Primary Schools: Factors that Reduce School Quality in Developing Countries. Benavot A., Gad L. (2004) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11125-004-5309-7

1.8. Teachers' time

1.8.1. So much to learn, so little time... teachers' perceptions Herolda, F. A. Warin, M. (2011) Evaluation & Research in Education Vol. 24, No. 1, 61-77

1.9. Time to prepare skilled on-line teachers

1.9.1. Prendergast (2003)

1.10. Course time management

1.10.1. Tomas Foltynek*, Arnost Motycka - http://www.formatex.org/micte2009/book/250-254.pdf

1.10.2. Fransen, J., Kirschner, Paul A., & Erkens, G. (2011). Mediating team effectiveness in the context of collaborative learning: The importance of team and task awareness. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 1103-1113

1.10.3. -Oliveira, I., Tinoca, L., & Pereira, A. (2011). Online group work patterns: How to promote a successful collaboration. Computers & Education, 57, 1348–1357.

1.11. Building Learning Environments. Time efficency

1.11.1. Minh Chieu. (2007). An Operational Approach for Building Learning Environments Supporting Cognitive Flexibility. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. Vol. 10 No. 3, 32-46.

2. Compare use of time presencial and virtual

2.1. Manejo del Tiempo y el ambiente en una experiencia didáctica. (2008)

2.2. Analía Chiecher, Danilo Donolo, María Cristina Rinaudo

3. Romero, M., Anglada, O., Esposito, A., Llorens, F., Sabulsky, G., Vazquez, A., Castro, P., Franco-Casamitjana, M., Izquierdo, J.V., Hettiarachchi, E., Perez-Poch A., Quesada, A.V., Medina, J.L. (2011). Collaborative concept map of the litterature review of the Time Factor in E-learning. Time Factor Doctorate Research Seminar. UOC. Available online https://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show/83619114

3.1. Nuevo nodo

4. Time as a dimension (of analysis)

4.1. Reimann, 2009

4.1.1. Variable analysis VS Event analysis

4.1.2. Time is precious

5. Time as a constraint

5.1. Dimension of flexibility provided to learners (Collis and Moonen, 2001)

5.2. Time of Semester as a Factor in Participants' Obedience to Instructions to Perform an Aversive Task (Navarick and Bellone, 2010) http://thepsychologicalrecord.siuc.edu/winter2010.html

6. Time as perception

6.1. The role of physiological arousal in time perception

6.1.1. Mella, N. Conty, L. Pouthas, V. (2010).

6.2. Participant experience

6.2.1. Gras B., Barbera E. ,Kirschner, (2010)

6.3. Lifelong learner's expectations

6.3.1. Thorpe (2006)

6.4. Success in the integration of the studies in the lifestyle

6.4.1. Tresman (2002)

6.5. Time use's expectations of Net Gen students in higher education

6.5.1. Ramanau et al (2010)

6.6. Self-paced learners and social software

6.6.1. Anderson et al (2010)

7. Planning and time regulation

7.1. ADDIE model (Branson et al, 1975)

7.1.1. Analysis time

7.1.2. Design time

7.1.3. Development time

7.1.4. Implementation time

7.1.5. Evaluation time

7.2. Online time management (Simon, M) in White, K. y Weigth, B. (2000). The online teaching guide. A handbook of attitudes, strategies and techniques for the virtual classroom. US: Pearson Education Company.

7.2.1. Elements Subject-matter knowledge Keyboard skills Software applications and skills database-management reading efficiently working environment

7.2.2. Managing time like a decision process finite resource More than good technical skills

8. Social and cultural time

8.1. Time coordination

8.1.1. Kirschner, F; Paas, F. & Kirschner,

8.1.2. Collaborative learning/collaborative working

8.2. Social relation time in the alumni comunity

8.2.1. e-coaching

8.2.2. e-discussion

9. Students' time-on-task and time use

9.1. Demeure, Romero & Lambropoulos, 2010

9.1.1. Students' temporal patterns

9.2. Chuang, H. Yang,Y. & Liu,Han-Chin (2009)

9.2.1. Digital Divide Factors Matter in the Motivation to Use Technology to Learn

9.3. Time use Efficiency (Kelly, 2002, 2003, 2004) http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3673/is_3_125/ai_n29175567/?tag=content;col1

9.4. Time as a assessment factor

9.4.1. Collaborative learning Approaches To Assessment Of Online Learning: Conceptual Challenges Gur, S. Van Schaack, A. https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/dspace-jspui/bitstream/2134/1948/1/Gur04.pdf

9.5. Time on task (Nickerson, R.,Perkins, D. y Smith, E. (1987). Enseñar a pensar: aspectos de la aptitud intelectual. Barcelona: Paidós.

9.5.1. Asigned time

9.5.2. Busy time

9.5.3. Success time

9.6. Thechiques of managemnt of time

9.6.1. Gottschalk, T.H. (2000). Strategies for Learning at a Distance.http://www.uidaho.edu/evo/dis8.asp. (July, 12th, 2001)

9.7. Personal Time Distribution

10. Physic time

10.1. Hawking, S. (2005). Brevísima historia del tiempo. Barcelona: Drakontos

11. Literary and Philosophical Time

11.1. Kermode, F (1983). El Sentido de un Final. Barcelona: Gedisa

11.2. Toboso M (2003) Tiempo y sujeto. Tesis Doctoral. http://forteza.sis.ucm.es/profes/juanfran/crono/filosofia_tiempo.htm

11.3. Ricoeur, P. (1983-85), Temps et récit

12. Technology Time

12.1. Technology Time Affordances

12.1.1. Bates, 2005 Each technology has its own "time"

12.2. Time Scheduling and Planning Tools

12.2.1. Timelines

12.2.2. To Do's

12.2.3. Collaborative Calendars

12.2.4. Tasks and Milestones Managers (Collaborative Environments)

12.3. Synchronous and asynchronous elearning

12.3.1. Hrastinski (2008)

12.4. 3D e-learning environments

12.4.1. The Time Factor: Leveraging Intelligent Agents and Directed Narratives in Online Learning Environments Jones & Warren (2009) http://www.innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=576

12.5. Digital tools and temporal dimension of learning: a Vigotskyan perspective

12.5.1. Cook (2010)

12.6. ICT-enhanced learning enviroments

12.6.1. Ligorio & Ritella (2010) Notion of 'chronotope' from Bakhtin

13. Time as a ressource

13.1. Carreras, O. Valax, M.F. (2010)

13.1.1. Temporal flexibility CF. Macan (2004) Plan tasks relative to learning by setting goals and priorities

13.2. (Espasa, A. 2010) (Noorminshah Iahad, Georgious A. Dafoulas, Emmanouil Kalaitzakis, LInda A. 2004)

13.2.1. Immediate Feedback for Assessments

13.3. Corgan, Hammer, Margoliesa and Crossley, 2004; Ertmer et alt, 2007

13.3.1. Improved learning throught peer feedback in online discussions

14. Time Personalisation

14.1. Rythms

14.2. Adaptive time

14.3. Acceleration

14.4. Gros B., Barbera E. ,Kirschner, (2010)

15. Polychronicity

15.1. The Hierarchy of Digital Distraction

15.2. Polychronicity and ICT

15.2.1. Polychronicity, the Internet, and the Mass Media: Waipeng, L. Trevor, T, Shahul, S. (2006) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2006.tb00314.x/full

15.3. Polychronicity and collaborative learning

15.3.1. Logics of Online Collaboration: Scripts, Polychronicity and Improvisation Voigt, C. (2008) http://www.bsec.canterbury.ac.nz/acis2008/Papers/acis-0184-2008.pdf

15.4. Individual Performance

15.4.1. (Conte & Gintoft, 2005)

15.5. Work Environment

15.5.1. (Oshagbemi, 1995), (Gonzalez & Mark, 2005)

15.6. Personality

15.6.1. (Conte & Gintoft, 2005)

16. Time as sense

16.1. Ubiquity dimension "anytime"

16.1.1. Burbules, N. Meanings of ubiquitous learning in Cope, B. y Kalantzis, M. (2010). Ubiquitus Learning. Illinois. US: Library of Congress.

16.1.2. asynchronous modes

16.1.3. different expectations and practices

16.1.4. change one´s subjective relation to time

16.1.5. new and varied rhythms suggest a different relationship in turn to learning opportunities

16.1.6. involves the idea of "lifelong learning" "to be" is "to learn"

16.1.7. interconnections among people, places and learning processes.

17. Habits

17.1. http://www.formatex.org/micte2009/book/250-254.pdf

17.2. Knowledge

17.3. Skills

17.4. Desires

17.5. Control of the own time

17.5.1. Life satisfaction

17.5.2. Macan; Shahani; Dipboye; Peek (1990)