Sub-Disciplines of Forensic Science
by Sarah Anne Watkins
1. Odontology
1.1. identify individuals or remains using dental records
2. Toxicology
2.1. deals with the harmful effects of chemicals on the human body (like drugs or poisons)
3. Entomology
3.1. uses insects and their life cycles to determine time of death
4. Botany
4.1. uses plants or pollen to determine place or time of year of evidence found at the crime scene
5. Ballistics
5.1. analysis of bullets to determine the firearm used in a crime
6. Engineering
6.1. use knowledge of structures and materials to determine the cause of structural failures
7. Crime Scene Investigator
7.1. collects evidence at the crime scene to be processed
8. Jurisprudence
8.1. lawyers
9. Criminalistics
9.1. examination of evidence such as blood, fibers, and fingerprints
10. Pathology
10.1. performs autopsies to determine cause of death
11. Anthropology
11.1. search for and recover the remains of humans
12. Document Examination
12.1. examines documents to determine age or authenticity
13. biology
13.1. performs DNA profiling and blood typing
14. Psychology
14.1. provides a criminal profile to be used by investigators or determine the mental capacity of someone on trial.