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Air by Mind Map: Air

1. Reducing air pollution

1.1. Transportation

1.1.1. Walking or biking to near by places

1.1.2. Take public transport

1.1.3. make sure car engine are in good condition

1.2. Energy Usage

1.2.1. Turn off lights and appliances when not used

1.2.2. Educate others to conserve energy

1.3. Products used

1.3.1. Reuse, Reduce and Recycle

1.3.2. Go for less packaging

1.3.3. Buy environmental safe products

2. Composition

2.1. Nitrogen 78.084%

2.2. Argon 0.9340%

2.3. Carbon Dioxide 0.04%

2.4. Neon 0.001818%

2.5. Helium 0.000525%

2.6. Methane 0.000179%

2.7. Water Vapour 0.001%-5%

3. Pollutants

3.1. Carbon Monoxide

3.1.1. CO is a colourless, odourless, non-irritating yet very toxic gas. This is the product of an incomplete combustion of fuel. Example; Vehicular exhaust.

3.2. Nitrogen Oxide

3.2.1. NO is a colourless and odourless gas. NO gases react to form smog and acid rain as well as being central to the formation of fine particles and ground level ozone, both of which are associated with bad health effects.

3.3. Carbon Dioxide

3.3.1. The extra carbon dioxide increases the greenhouse effect. More heat is trapped by the atmosphere, causing the planet to become warmer than it would be naturally. The increase in global temperature this causes is called global warming.

3.4. Sulfur dioxide

3.4.1. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the major precursors of acid rain, which has acidified soils, lakes and streams, accelerated corrosion of buildings and monuments, and reduced visibility.

3.5. Volatile Organic Compound

3.5.1. Many volatile organic compounds are also hazardous air pollutants. Volatile organic compounds, when combined with nitrogen oxides, react to form ground-level ozone, or smog, which contributes to climate change.

3.6. Chlorofluorocarbons

3.6.1. CFCs have serious environmental consequences. Their long lifetimes in the atmosphere mean that some end up in the higher atmopshere (stratosphere) where they can destroy the ozone layer, thus reducing the protection it offers the earth from the sun's harmful UV rays.

3.7. Ammonia

3.7.1. The harm caused by ammonia in water bodies is more serious, because it is very toxic to aquatic organisms. Low concentrations of ammonia in soil are natural and actually essential for plant nutrition.