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to bo going to by Mind Map: to bo going to

1. -

1.1. Sub verb to be (conjugated in present) + not + going to + o + verb (base form) + complemt

2. ?

2.1. Verb to be (conjugated in Present + Sub + going to + verb) (base form) + complemt

3. +

3.1. Sub + verb to be (conjugated in present) + going + verb (base form) + complemt

4. Examples

4.1. 1.- The trafic is terrible were going to miss our fligh. 2.- Are you going to be at home Tonight?. 3.- She is going to catch the bus

5. future

6. Plans

6.1. I´m going to go to Paris next week

6.1.1. future

6.1.2. Plans

6.1.3. Predictions It´s going to rain

7. Predictions

7.1. It´s going to rain